16 жовтня 2022 року

Dear colleagues


We cordially invite you to take part in the International Conference «ONE HEALTH: Social Dimension» to be held on November 16, 2022 at the National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine in on-line format.


Target audience:  graduate students, researchers, teachers of medical, veterinary and natural sciences educational institutions, as well as everyone interested or involved in One Health issues.


Objectives of the event
The objectives of the international conference within the framework of the Jean Monnet module "Integration EU One Health framework and policies in Ukraine" are the following:
• to provide an up-to-date information about international and European policy and research on One Health;
• to create analytical and research potential in the field of One Health in Ukraine;
• to establish collaboration between institutions, considering the European One Health policy as a multidisciplinary research that will promote innovation in education and science;
• to raise awareness of problems and tasks within the framework of the One Health concept, which are faced by the scientific community of Ukraine.


Link for registration
is open until November 15, 2022 


Requirements for abstract submission:


The Conference program and a link to the online platform will be sent to all registered participants a few days before the beginning of the event.


In addition to the publication of abstracts, based on the materials of the conference, a collection of scientific articles "ONE HEALTH: Social Dimension" will be published in English (submission of articles to the collection is not mandatory for participation in the conference). 


Those interested in publishing abstracts of presentation and/or articles should submit manuscripts according to the requirements by November 10, 2022, to the e-mail address [email protected].
Abstracts will be published in the author's edition. Articles will undergo independent review.


Detailed instructions for authors on the preparation and submission of manuscripts could be found here: 


To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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