Scientific cooperation of the department of surgery and pathophysiology named after Acad. I. O. Povazhenka and SE "DKTB IEZ named after E.O. Patona of the National Academy of Sciences" continues

10 січня 2022 року
Department of Surgery and Pathophysiology


   At the department of surgery and pathophysiology named after Acad. I.O. Povazhenko together with SE "DKTB IEZ named after E.O.Paton NASU" under the leadership of the head of the department "Welding and combined technologies in medicine and ecology" of the Institute of Electric Welding named after E. O. Patona, Ph.D. Heorhiy Marynskiy, MD, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Head of the Kyiv City Medical Training and Implementation Center for Electro-Welding Surgery and the Latest Surgical Technologies, S.E. Podpryatov, MD. S.S. Podpriatov together with the employees of the department, a study was carried out within the project "Scientific consulting on test trials of a welding electrocoagulator".

   Testing of the welding electrocoagulator was carried out during surgical interventions on abdominal organs and tendons of animals.




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