Successful and happy: awarding of diplomas to masters of the EPP "Management of investment activity and international projects"

3 грудня 2022 року

On November 30, 2022, the 2022 graduation of full-time and part-time forms of study was held at the Faculty of Agricultural Management. How glad everyone was to see and greet each other in the walls of the University!

The rector of NULES of Ukraine, academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Stanislav M. Nikolaienko addressed the graduates with a congratulatory speech and wished everyone to find their own path in life.

The heads of Departments of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, professors and guests joined in the greetings. In particular, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lidiia V. Shynkaruk sincerely wished everyone success, career growth, and interesting ideas for implementation. Especially, Lidiia Shynkaruk emphasized the role of youth in the development of a modern country, because intelligence and confidence are the qualities thanks to which each of us gets Victory at our own front.

Dean of the faculty, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Anatolii D. Ostapchuk read the order to expel us from the NULES of Ukraine due to graduation and also wished us professional growth and victories in life.

So, the next stage of our growing up has come! We are sad and happy at the same time. Just yesterday we were worried about the success of the master's theses defense, but today we are already certified masters. We admit that it was extremely difficult to study during this difficult time. But we coped with all the challenges! Of course, one cannot remain silent about the great support and help of all professors! Thanks to your professional approach, experience, boundless sincerity and humanity we received diplomas and got positive attitude towards work, professional growth and Victory!

All the time of study, the professors of the Production and Investment Management Department were the team with which any obstacles are not scary! We studied, dreamed, created projects... And together we helped those graduates who are now at the front defending our country from the enemy and thanks to whom we can study, work, and receive diplomas.

I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Lidiia V. Shynkaruk. You are incredible! Your experience, your good heart is an example for us for the rest of our lives!

Maryna M. Dielini, acting head of the department, one of our best professors, for whom nothing is impossible either! We thank you!

And Anna V. Dergach's perseverance, optimism and faith in each of us forced us to complete tasks that we thought we would never do!

What good supervisors we all had for master's theses! Others can only dream!

And now, according to good tradition, we, graduates of the best educational program, want to address those who have not yet decided on the choice of profession and educational institution:

Only NULES of Ukraine!

Only the Faculty of Agrarian Management!

Only the master's program "Management of Investment Activity and International Projects"!

Graduates of the Production and Investment Management Department









Our dear graduates! You are our pride. Please do not lose your knowledge and confidence, wisdom and optimism, ambition and tenacity!

Inspiration to you, perseverance, professional achievements, victories, realization of all ideas!

They say the truth: "The future is in the hands of the youth." Educated young people are the pillars on which society will always stand. And

looking at you - at your sincere smiles, remembering your aspirations, confidence, ability to make decisions during studying - it becomes clear that everything will be fine. Yes, it is on your shoulders that a great responsibility rests, but now more than ever, our country needs your active participation, your intelligence and your skills, including those you have acquired during your studies.

We wish you a happy and generous fate! May your life path be easy and interesting, full of positivity, accomplishments, and interesting events!

Peace, Victory and strength to all of us!

And you, our dear graduates, have a good time!




The professors of the Production and Investment Management Department

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