Applications for the 2023 Famigro Award are now open!

9 грудня 2022 року
Poznan, Poland in June 2023

 Applications for the 2023 Famigro Award are now open!

   Created by Mr Karl Grotenfelt in 2013, the Famigro Award aims to reward the best European rural entrepreneurship project of the year.
   Entrepreneurial projects contribute to the evolution of our rural countryside, while the respect of the environment and social responsibility is endorsed by each rural entrepreneur.
   The aim of the Famigro Award is to improve the project's success and growth by benefiting from the support of the network of the Friends of the Countryside (FCS) and Young Friends of the Countryside (YFCS), as well as the European Landowners' Organization (ELO).
   The prize includes:
- A 5,000€ check and Diploma of Recognition
- Visibility of the project on the written and online channels of FCS, YFCS and ELO.
- An article in the Countryside Magazine (more than 4K readers)
- The opportunity to join the FCS & YFCS General Assembly in Poznan, Poland in June 2023.
   The 2023 Edition is now open!
   Applications to be sent by March 1 (by noon CET), 2023. The application form is available below or on the


[ELO|] and [YFCS|] sites, where all the details and conditions are specified.
   For further questions, please send an e-mail to: [email protected].








To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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