The work of the "Animal Physiology" student group is online

26 вересня 2022, 11:04

            On September 22, a meeting of the "Animal Physiology" circle was held online. The topic of the lesson is the study of typological features of higher nervous activity and tone of the autonomic nervous system in animals (methodology). Modern effective management of animal husbandry is impossible without scientific substantiation of the physiological processes that occur in the body of animals.

     The basis for the activity of the circle is the interdepartmental educational and scientific laboratory of veterinary diagnostic research, which is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and operates as part of the Department of Animal Biochemistry and Physiology named after Acad. M.F. Gulogo is equipped with modern equipment, the laboratory is headed by candidate of biological sciences, associate professor V.I. Tsvilikhovskyi, the educational-scientific-production Clinical Center "Vetmedservice" and the Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of agricultural products. 

A great contribution to physiological science was made by Prof. Naumenko V.V., who for the first time proposed the method of studying conditioned reflex activity in pigs and discovered the main types of higher nervous activity of these animals. Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor V.I. Karpovskyi, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.O. Trokoz, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor D.I. Krivoruchko continue the school of a great scientist at the department.
     During the class, students get acquainted with the features of conditioned reflex activity in cows, learned the material on establishing the tone of the autonomic nervous system in cows and its relationship with types of higher nervous activity. 


     A brief description of the strength, balance, and mobility of nervous processes according to the methodology developed by the department was considered and given. The essence of the method is to observe the animal's behavior and reaction to the experimenter; the reaction of a hungry animal to feeding; unexpected sensory stimuli and formation of conditioned reflexes. Currently, Gurtkivsi are engaged in the development of physiological methods of correction of adaptive and compensatory processes in the body of animals by studying their higher nervous activity, metabolism, electrical activity of the brain with the use of natural adaptogenic drugs.

Over the course of the academic year, group students will study the higher nervous activity of animals, which is the main scientific direction of the department's activity, use the websites of libraries, magazines, and other Internet resources. The group works according to the thematic plans.
Members of the student scientific circle plan to take part in student conferences held both within the walls of our university and outside its borders, to publish theses and scientific articles.
Olena Zhurenko

Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology of Animals

named after Acad. M.F. Gulogo

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