Department of Biochemistry and Animal Physiology named after Academician M.F. Gulogo actively participated in career guidance work

20 жовтня 2022 року

    The new academic year for first-year students has recently begun, and the Department of Biochemistry and Animal Physiology named after Academician M.F. Gulogo actively started career orientation work with schoolchildren who love animals and are interested in biology, despite the conditions of martial law.

Anastasiya Yarosh, a student at the Kherson Higher Secondary School No. 15, visited the department. She and her parents were under occupation by the Rashists for a long time and only recently escaped from hell and came with her family from Kherson to Kyiv. Since the classes are held online and she is not able to master most of the topics in person, the department gave her such an opportunity to practically familiarize herself with some topics of biology. Under the guidance of department professor Ihor Kalinin, who is a member of the Presidium of the Kyiv regional territorial branch of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, coordinator of the scientific department of chemistry and biology, Anastasia studied the structure of the microscope and examined living cells.

Having received images of cells under a microscope, she listened with interest to a story about their structure, important functions, as well as metabolic processes occurring in cells. From the questions asked by Anastasia, it was felt that the schoolgirl was interested in this topic and our department.
Ihor Kalinin also gave Anastasia a tour of the department's classrooms, talked about the history of our department, which is more than a century old, and familiarized her with the department's laboratory equipment used for student training.
We hope that Anastasia will share her impressions with her classmates, and this will continue our career guidance work with schoolchildren who may join the ranks of our students in the future.
We wish Anastasia, her parents and all of us the fastest possible Victory and peace in Ukraine.
Viktor Tomchuk,
professor, head of the department of animal biochemistry and physiology


named after Academician M.F. Gulogo
To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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