Open lecture by Professor Lilia Kalachniuk

19 серпня 2022 року

 On Thursday, August 18, 2022, at 11:50-13:10 on the 3rd pair, an open lecture was held in a remote format by the professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Animal Physiology named after academician M. F. Guloy, doctor of biological sciences, professor Lilia Hryhorivna Kalachniuk 9 groups of the 2nd year of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (specialty 211, "Veterinary Medicine", OC "Master") on the topic: "Biochemistry of animals with basics of physical and colloid chemistry (BA BPCC) (introductory lecture)" and colloidal chemistry (BT OFKH) (introductory lecture).

In the introductory lecture, the subject of the discipline "Animal biochemistry with the basics of physical and colloid chemistry" (BT OFKH) was revealed, its features, progress, problems and prospects for the development of natural sciences, in particular biochemistry, as well as the connection of BT OFKH with related and applied sciences. Presenting the progress of biochemical research, students' attention was drawn to the role of foreign and domestic scientists, especially one of the former employees of the department - Professor Hryhoriy Kalachniuk (August 18, 1937 - July 23, 2014).

An information block on pH, its scale and its significance for the body was relevant for face-to-face laboratory classes.

Professor of the department
Lilia Kalachniuk


Захисти дисертаційРегіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Набір на навчання (синій)_2015

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