Historical traditions of democracy in the modern world

22 жовтня 2022 року


On October 21 the Zoom platform Online Round Table to the next anniversary of the founding of the United Nations "UN-Ukraine: centuries-old traditions of democracy and modernity" was held. Its organizers, as always, were the activists of scientific and educational circles of the department of international relations and social sciences "Diplomacy and geopolitics" and "Information and policy".

It should be noted that the time of the Round Table was not chosen by the circle members by chance: after all, in addition to the fact that this date is the eve of the United Nations Foundation (October 24, 1945), and Ukraine is one of the founding states, it is on this day, and this is well known to international students, and that they could not ignore, that it is performed 350 years since the birth of Pylyp Stepanovych Orlyk (1672-1742) - an outstanding national political, state and military figure, diplomat, educator, publicist, one of the compilers of the "treaties and resolutions" - the constitutional Act, which is still considered one of the first constitutions in the world and the first Ukrainian Constitution. It can be quite rightly argued that, among other things, the model of a free sovereign state created by him as the first in Europe, its social foundations, the concept of a "free people" prescribed by him in the Constitution, the foundations of democracy and justice were useful to those who, over the centuries, later determined the principles and foundations of the formation of international organizations of a universal, that is, comprehensive, universal type.


Therefore, the first of the planned performances was a student of V year of study, group MB 22001m (s) Tovkun I. I. "Pylyp Orlyk and the traditions of modern democracy".
Opening, on behalf of the headman, a scientific event, head of circles, teacher of the department S. Asaturov briefly outlining its tasks and relevance, he stressed that, unlike, which is quite understandable, from previous years, it is held not just during the military aggression against our country, but for many and under bombs, for a considerable number of its participants – without light, with internet interruptions, however, despite all these circumstances, students do not stop studying and studying science for a moment.


With a congratulatory speech to the audience addressed an acting head of the department of international relations and social sciences, doctor of political sciences, professor, O. V. Shevchuk who, emphasizing the importance of such scientific meetings of students for better preparation for mastering the basics of the future profession by bachelors, expressed confidence in the high level of the Round Table, wishing all those present every success and prosperity in their studies and science and a peaceful sky over their heads.
Then the floor was given to a student of the MB-21001b group Tymoshchuk Karyna, who presented a speech on a problematic topic: "The UN structure: does it meet the requirements of the time?». This problem was developed by a bachelor of the same group Anna Pashtetska.


For a speech on a pressing topic "Ukraine's struggle for peace and freedom in the world after a full-scale Russian invasion" the floor was taken by a student of the MB 21002b group Buslo Ivanna.


"The United Nations and the rights of children in wartime" became the topic of the report of a student of the same group Svyrydenko Oleksandra.
On the role of women in UN peacekeeping told Mudrenok Daryna, and the topic "Japan and the United Nations" became the subject of consideration of a student of the first group of the second year of study Yulia KravchenkoThe content and prospects of Ukrainian-Cypriot diplomatic relations was disclosed in the work of Zhovner Tetiana.


Another extremely interesting and scientifically based speech "Cultural diplomacy of Ukraine and Italy" presented by a student of the III K. group MB 20001b Zaporozhchenko Maryna.


In total, 9 reports were heard, which, it should be said, aroused due interest and were accompanied by a rather lively discussion.
In general, we can say that the round table held aroused considerable student interest, was interesting, scientific and analytical and generally fulfilled the tasks set by the organizers. Its participants were more than 50 members of both scientific circles. It is pleasant to note that instructors of the department took part in it, that they were free from classes at other faculties and specialties at that time.
Summing up, guest of the round table, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the first class Osnach M. V. that he has repeatedly represented the interests of our state in international organizations and has participated in many scientific forums of the department of international relations and social sciences in particular, he noted the variety of issues of the Round Table and the wide field of scientific approaches of its participants to the disclosure of the chosen issues.


Serhiy Asaturov,

scientific director of clubs


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