Teachers of the Department of Management took part in the Agro-Political Dialogue 2022 Summer School

1 серпня 2022 року

 According to experts, Ukraine's contribution to the world food market is equivalent to providing food for more than 400 million people. The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine disrupted the systems of production, processing and supply of food, in particular to the international market, which poses a real threat to global food security. More and more analysts predict serious consequences for the food supply of countries dependent on the import of agricultural and food products.

Ukraine's new status as a candidate for EU membership will help our country speed up the initiated reforms, implement Ukrainian legislation to European standards, and help legally consolidate the pro-European direction of the country's development. Information about the current situation on the food market, the peculiarities of trade in agricultural products, the safety and quality of goods is extremely important for the formation of a common trade policy of Ukraine with EU member countries, and for determining the terms of trade relations with non-EU countries.
Among the main tasks for today, in addition to the restoration of national agribusiness in general, is the improvement of the national agrarian trade policy taking into account the challenges of the external environment, the popularization and dissemination of relevant changes through the active involvement of agricultural higher education institutions, the adaptation of educational programs for their implementation in the educational process, in particular, in the process teaching agrarian policy, economics, trade, management and related disciplines, because this is a guarantee of the economic stability of the state and its ability to effectively resist the aggressor.
Shortly before the start of the new academic year, from July 25 to 29, 2022, teachers of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi of the Faculty of Agrarian Management Olga Gogulya and Alina Troian took part in the regular APD 2022 Summer School "Agrarian trade policy of Ukraine - challenges and prospects in the context of European integration". This school was organized on the initiative of the project "German-Ukrainian agropolitical dialogue", the State Institution "Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Pre-Higher Education", Kyiv School of Economics and with the support of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany, the Embassy of Germany in Ukraine.
The main goal of the APD 2022 Summer School  -  presentation of German and international experience in the field of agricultural trade policy, in particular in the context of European integration and the accelerated procedure of Ukraine's rapprochement with the EU - was realized during a five-day intensive Summer School, which was attended by 42 listeners from 9 institutions of higher education of different cities of Ukraine.
The speakers of the APD 2022 Summer School were leading Ukrainian and international experts in the fields of management, business, science and education, including Frank Miuller, agricultural attaché of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine; Mariia Yaroshko, acting head of the project "German-Ukrainian agropolitical dialogue"; Kharald fon Vittske, Professor of the University of Berlin named after Humboldtiv; Villi Maiiers, Professor of the University of Missouri; Mykola Puhachov, deputy director of the National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economy"; Pavlo Koval, general director of the NGO "Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation" and other leading experts in the field of agrarian business, food security, trade policy, etc.
The format of the APD 2022 Summer School provided an opportunity to overcome existing barriers, primarily related with the war in Ukraine, and provided productive communication, exchange of opinions, constructive discussions between the participants of the event, effective training (upgrading of qualifications) for teachers of higher education institutions. The excellent organization of the event, the logically structured sequence of reports, the moderators' clear coordination of the "question-answer" process, using the chat, provided an opportunity to establish a dialogue and gain new practical experience, to hear meaningful, relevant and interesting reports, to distribute presentation materials filled with useful information to the audience, modern information. Questionnaire surveys of the participants of the Summer School turned out to be extremely interesting and appropriate for outlining discussion points, revealing the participants' awareness of various general and specific issues, and summarizing opinions.
The implementation of the Summer School program began with reports devoted to modern challenges and current issues: "The new EU agricultural policy. The European Green Deal and other strategies. The current state of the political debate and challenges for international agricultural trade policy" (Kharald fon Vittske, University of Berlin named after Humboldtiv); "Current challenges of agricultural trade policy in Ukraine, in particular in the context of accelerating European integration processes" Mykola Puhachov, National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economy"); "Current challenges of world agricultural trade policy" (Villi Maiiers, University of Missouri); "Climate trade barriers - a test for compliance with the sustainability of agricultural production (technologies, approaches, regulation)" (Oksana Davis, Blakeway Wayburn Consulting, LTD. London, UK); "Methodological recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of distance learning - requirements for the construction and teaching of courses in the field of agrarian policy, economics and trade" (Rainer Lanhosh, University of Neubrandenburg), etc.
During the event, the participants of the Summer School had the opportunity to talk with many experts from both Ukraine and Germany, listening to extremely interesting, meaningful reports filled with practical examples, statistical indicators, results of analysis, evaluation, and analytical calculations.
At the end of the APD 2022 Summer School, each participant of the event shared their impressions of how the acquired knowledge and experience will be used in further professional activities. Olga Gogulya - guarantor of the educational and professional program "Management of organizations and administration"- in her final presentation focused on the list of disciplines, which are mandatory essential components of the cycle of general and special (professional) training, as well as a number of selective components, while analyzing and evaluating the direct connection between the problems of the reports of German and Ukrainian experts and educational disciplines.
There is no doubt that the new knowledge gained regarding the formation of modern agrarian policy in Ukraine and abroad in the context of European integration will serve as a valuable addition to the theoretical courses of disciplines in the educational process (lectures, practical classes), a useful information base for updating and filling educational materials with modern content ; will help convey to students of higher education during the teaching of a number of disciplines (Management, Strategic Management, Business Management, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business, Logistics Management, Enterprise Competitiveness Management, etc.) changes in the situation in agrarian policy, in particular, in agrarian trade policy, outline the main tasks and ways to achieve the goals.
 We are sincerely grateful to the organizers of the Summer School for the opportunity to participate in such an event and hope for cooperation in the future.
Special thanks and respect to acting head of the project "German-Ukrainian agropolitical dialogue" Mariia Yaroshko, who has been cooperating with the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine for many years, in particular with the teachers of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, promotes cooperation with German colleagues, international experts in every possible way, for her professional moderation, tact, competence in matters of modern agrarian policy and business.
To the organizers and all participants, peace, success, good health and inspiration for cooperation in the future!
Tetiana Balanovska,
head of the Department of Management named
after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi 
Translated Oksana Havrysh
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