Diana Plakhotnyk: translator is my future profession, NULES is my university!

22 червня 2022, 10:00
Кафедра англійської мови для технічних та агробіологічних спеціальностей
- Good afternoon, Dianа, soon you will have to make a serious choice for further study. Have you already decided where you would like to continue your studies and what specialty to study?
- The profession is a choice of all life, everything depends on it: both well-being in the future, and satisfaction with itself as the person. The profession must be in demand, especially in today's world. I would like to connect my future with the humanitarian profile. Language has always been a means of communication. Communication is the most important thing in any society and at any time. So I decided to become a translator and chose the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine to study. I did not hesitate to choose a specialty. Of course, this is "Philology”, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy. The profession of a translator allows you to communicate with different people, travel a lot, be at the epicenter of events. And highly qualified teachers, modern technical equipment, cooperation with the countries whose languages are studied will perfectly help to master the specialty.
- What skills do you think you need to become a professional translator?
- This is a high level of knowledge of foreign and native languages, knowledge of culture in the broadest sense of the word, as well as certain personal qualities such as endurance, reliability, ability to adapt, impartiality, curiosity, sense of humor.
- What does "translate" mean to you?
- “Translate” means to create a new reality. You take the text, experience the events depicted in it, and then present these events in your own language. Thus, this text seems to be born again.
- How did you find out about our university and why did you choose the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine?
- I learned about the University from my parents. According to them, NULES of Ukraine is very promising, because after graduation you can easily find a high-paying job. Personally, I recently visited the online Open Day at the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, during which the dean of the faculty Inna Savytska provided comprehensive information on the features of the 2022 admission campaign under martial law. I hope to become a student of this university, as NULES of Ukraine opens the way to the realization of my dreams.
- Diana, thank you for the interview. You are a very sincere and meaningful interlocutor! We wish you a pleasant surprise in the future with your professional translations. We are waiting for you at the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine! Everything will be Ukraine!
Inna Grabovska,
 head of the Department of English
for technical and agrobiological specialities,
Lyudmyla Berezova,
associate professor of the Department of English
for technical and agrobiological specialities 


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