Training practice of future psychologists took place
On April 22, 2022, a reporting online conference of second-year students of the specialty "Psychology" was held. Future psychologists reported on the completion of training (diagnostic and correctional) practice.
Despite the difficult conditions of martial law, students used the time allotted for practical training to the maximum benefit: they participated in video meetings with psychologists of secondary education institutions and inclusive resource centers, actively analyzed information from webinars, and replenished their piggy banks of diagnostic and correctional methods with new materials from practically oriented literature. New in the practice program this year was the introduction of future psychologists to techniques for correcting the emotional states of children after experiencing the trauma of war.
When giving feedback about the practice, applicants noted its high information content, satisfaction with the organization, professionalism of psychologists and their willingness to share their experience. Many students noticed that thanks to conversations with specialists, they confirmed their desire to work in their chosen specialty. It is pleasant that being only in the second year of undergraduate studies, future psychologists realize the significant importance of their profession for their native country and have an inner need to be useful for it.

The staff of the department of psychology expresses their sincere gratitude to the heads and practical psychologists of specialized school No. 89, Kyiv, school of I-III stages No. 90 of the Pechersk district. Kyiv, I. Kudrya specialized school No. 181 with an in-depth study of foreign languages. Kyiv, T. Shevchenko gymnasium No. 109 . with an in-depth study of foreign languages, Kyiv, Pechersk gymnasium No. 75 of the Pechersk district. Kyiv inclusive resource Center No. 1 of the Holosiivskyi district. Kyiv inclusive resource Center No. 7 of the Podil district, Kyiv.
Acting head of the department of psychology
Iryna Martynyuk