University Scientists Received the Honorary Award of the NAAS of Ukraine

12 жовтня 2014 року

     The team of university scientists consisting of Academician M.D. Melnychuk, Academician A.L. Boyko, Academician I.P. Hryhoryuk, Academician A.F. Likhanov, Academician A.A. Klyuvadenko, Academician G.G. Martyn, Academician V.I. Kukovenko received the highest award of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine “Honorary Award of the NAAS of Ukraine” for writing the Atlas “Hop (Humulus lupulus L.): from cell to plant”. This award was presented to the scientists by the President of the NAAS of Ukraine, Academician Ya.M. Gadzalo.


     The collective scientific publication — Atlas “Hop (Humulus lupulus L.): from cell to plant” — is the result of hard work of three generations of scientists, which is highly appreciated by the scientific community of Ukraine, Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. This is the first work of the kind in the domestic and foreign scientific literature, which is made on the basis of long-term fundamental research. Special value of the Atlas lies in vivid visual material that covers different levels of structural organization of plants, complemented by detailed indication in Ukrainian and English, original schemes, diagrams that present specific morphological structure, anatomy, cytology, microclonal reproduction and viral pathogenesis of plants. Such detailed data were obtained with the help of modern methods of microscopy.



     It is remarkable that the Atlas is written in Ukrainian and English. It was already presented in Europe and now is being widely cited.

     We congratulate the authors and wish them inspiration, success and new discoveries in the scientific field!

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