Results of two years research and practical activities of Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Center and Department of Silviculture scientists as part of an international project RESILPINE are summed up
On May 3, 2022, a group of scientists from Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center and National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Prof. Sergiy Zibtsev, Assoc. Prof. Vasyl Gumeniuk and Assoc. Prof. Olexandr Soshenskiy, led by Director of Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) Prof. Johann Georg Goldammer presented the final report on research and practical activities as part of International Research Cooperation Project "Transformation of Forests to Close-to-Nature Forest Management in Ukraine: Nature-based silvicultural and fire management methods for increasing the resilience of pine stands to drought and wildfire" (RESILPINE).
The project started on May 2, 2020 and lasted for two years ( Aim of the project is to increase the resilience of Ukraine's Pine forests to climate change and landscape fires by methods of Close-to-nature forestry, which also include some elements of fire management.
The project involved scientists and foresters from Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Eberswalde, Germany), Global Fire Monitoring Center (Freiburg, Germany), Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Center of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine), Ukrainian National Forestry University (Lviv, Ukraine).
Scientists team from Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and Global Fire Monitoring Center presented results of a study on application of approaches to Forestry and Integrated landscape fire management to increase resilience of Pine forests against wilfires and drought. During project, scientists have selected a number of experimental sites within forestry and research enterprises, including Boyarka Forest Research Station, State Enterprise “Oster Military Forestry”, State Enterprise "Teteriv Forestry", State Enterprise "Severodonetsk Forestry and Game management" and State Enterprise "Novoaydar Forestry and Game management", where they created forest edges to protect settlements and forests from landscape fires, as well as develop recommendations for formation of Pine stands with a low degree of natural fire hazard. Results of the RESILPINE project will be reviewed and included in the new National Policy on Landscape Fire Management, as scientists led by Prof. Johann Georg Goldammer is included in the Working Groups of the Verkhovna Rada and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, which are currently developing the State Strategy of the National Landscape Fire Management System for 2021-2035 in Ukraine.
Scientists team from Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and Ukrainian National Forestry University presented the results of experiments at State Enterprise "Lviv Forestry" and Stradchiv Training and Production Forestry Plant of Ukrainian National Forestry University, which introduced elements of close-to-nature, multifunctional and climate-adapted Forest Management.
Also, the Project purchased and transferred modern professional firefighting equipment and equipment for Prescribed burning, including ffire-resistant firefighter's clothing, helmets, masks, respirators, hand tools, fire backpacks, drip torches and the most modern mobile module for extinguishing forest fires Slip-on Unit RotFire B30-18. It should be noted that the fire module is a high-tech means of combating forest fires, equipped with professional equipment and high-pressure pumps, which allows the efficient use of fire extinguishers, as well as the use of flame retardants and foaming agents.
The Project Sponsor: German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL) / German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE).