We work for the Victory: The Production and Investment Management Department together with the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation held the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference

22 квітня 2022 року

 The bloody war in Ukraine has been going on for almost two months now. Courageous and brave soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine defend our Motherland every day. In such conditions, every Ukrainian has a task to do as much as possible at his position: to work where possible to prevent the destruction of economic, social and cultural achievements of our people.

Realizing this, the scientific and pedagogical staff of NULES of Ukraine, in particular the Production and Investment Management Department together with the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation of NULES of Ukraine, continue their work. This applies not only to training sessions, but also to the organization of various events that have become traditional and are held annually.

Thus, on April 19-20, 2022, the VI International Scientific and Practical Online Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "The Role of Youth in the Development of the Agrarian sector of Ukraine" was organized by the Production and Investment Management Department, Faculty of Agrarian Management and Humanitarian-pedagogical Faculty of NULES of Ukraine. The conference was co-organized by Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of the National University of Trade and Economics, National Aviation University, Pomeranian Academy (Poland, Slupsk), University of Haifa (Israel), Center for Business Innovation and Transformation AKG Global Support Services ltd., India.

It should be noted that this conference has become traditional and is held annually in the spring. The aim of the conference is to reveal the scientific potential of students, graduate students and young scientists, promote cooperation in the field of agricultural science, establish and disseminate scientific and educational, information links and cooperation at the national level. The formation of a culture of interdisciplinary communication and a comprehensive discussion of the development of the agricultural sector is incredibly relevant in the conditions of war, as food security issues are becoming especially acute.

Given the martial law, the conference "The role of youth in the development of Ukraine's agro-industrial complex" was held remotely and reaffirmed that one of the most important tasks today is to listen to young people's views on various aspects of economic and social development, including Ukraine's agro-industrial complex.

At the beginning of the conference the professor of the Production and Investment Management Department, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor Lidiia V. Shynkaruk addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. In her speech, Lidiia Shinkaruk stressed the importance of such events, especially now, thanked the co-organizers of the conference and invited the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Vadym M. Kondratyuk.

Vadym Kondratyuk congratulated the organizers and participants of the conference on behalf of the Rector of the NULES of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Stanislav M. Nikolaenko, wishing him success in his work. According to Vadym Kondratyuk, the organization of such events is a patriotic act in the context of hostilities, because young people must be constantly involved in work to ensure the economic prosperity of the country and the future. It is remarkable that today NULES of Ukraine makes every effort to support the work of all its units. Vadym Kondratyuk wished everyone a peaceful sky, good health and fruitful work.

In response, Lidiia Shynkaruk thanked the administration for supporting the work of the department and noted that it is very important to increase the intellectual component in production at all levels, it is urgent to stop the destruction of natural resources and move to caring for the environment in practice.


The speech of the Dean of the Humanitarian-pedagogical Faculty, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Inna M. Savytska was dedicated to the role of young people in the reconstruction of the country. According to Inna Savytska, such conferences are important in the current conditions, as it is necessary to work on resuming business in the country, in particular in the agricultural sector.

Anatolii D. Ostapchuk, Dean of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, sincerely congratulated the organizers and participants of the conference. In his speech, he noted that agriculture is a key system-forming sector in the national economy, as it ensures the development of related industries and promotes youth work in martial law. At the moment, the necessary tasks in the sector are the restoration of logistics, the search for new communications with potential partners in European countries, work on the implementation of land reform and the restoration of territories after hostilities. Anatolii Ostapchuk sincerely thanked the organizers of the conference and called for new achievements.


The work of the conference took place according to the announced regulations and consisted of two main blocks - the first, dedicated to the development of agrarian business, moderated by Acting Head of the Production and Investment Management Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor Maryna M. Dielini and the Humanitarian Bloc, which covered issues of social work in Ukraine, moderator - Head of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Irina V. Sopivnyk.


Special attention was drawn to the speeches of foreign colleagues who support close cooperation with our university. They offered informational and personal support to young people in strengthening their educational and scientific achievements. A heated debate erupted over the role and place of Ukraine and Ukrainian scientists in the modern world scientific space.

Mr. Amit Goel, Managing Director and Founder of AKG Global Support Services (OPC) Private Limited, Associate Professor of Commerce and Business Management at Lucknow Integral University (India), expressed his support for the people of Ukraine in their courageous and noble struggle against the aggressor. In his opinion, Ukraine is going through extremely difficult times, but the whole world supports her. Amit Goel thanked Acting Head of the Department of Production and Investment Management, Professor Maryna M. Dielini for the invitation to participate in the conference and invited to conduct joint research.

Also during the conference, an interesting report on the existing programs of study and employment in Israel universities was made by the representative of the University of Haifa Alina Svechkina, who also called for joint research.


Oleksiy Artyukh, a representative of the agrarian business of Ukraine, provoked a lively discussion. The founder and head of the agricultural enterprise spoke about the "battle for the harvest" of the Ukrainian farmers in difficult conditions, which today have to sow for the future food security of Ukraine and countries importing domestic agricultural products. He noted that farmers are currently counting on their own forces, as logistics channels have been disrupted, a large part of agricultural land is under occupation, and in the rest of the territories, unfortunately, there is a threat of hostilities.


Then the PhD students of the Faculty of Agrarian Management began their speeches. In particular, Elizaveta Beliaeva spoke about the top 5 changes in project management and ways to adapt projects due to the war. Denis Khlystun devoted his report to the development of new tools for making better management decisions during the war.


The work of the second section was started by the head of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation Professor Iryna Sopivnyk.

Thus, within the framework of the humanitarian bloc, the conference participants covered various aspects of social work in the context of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, the speech of Oleksandr Prokhorchuk, a young scientist, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation of NULES of Ukraine, was dedicated to volunteering of young people.


Student Iryna Kutsenko spoke about the social adaptation of servicemen with post-traumatic stress disorder. Student Alexander Alekseiev spoke about important social issues during the war and the tasks of student social service. Anna Klymenko explored Ukraine as the epicenter of global axiological reconstruction, and Oksana Bilokin spoke about the transformation of the modern young man in the direction of greater spiritual maturity. Also interesting were the reports of Oksana Mazhar on the areas of social work with orphans and displaced persons and Natalia Yakim on the experience of medical and psychological assistance to victims and wounded of the military conflict.



In the end of the conference, Professor of the Production and Investment Management Department, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor Lidiia Shynkaruk summed up and thanked everyone for their participation and fruitful work.

In conclusion, it should be noted once again that the role of youth in economic and social development in general, and the development of the agricultural sector in particular, is constantly growing. Youth is the future of the nation, and now, in conditions of war, preserving the potential of the nation is not just an important task, but a strategic task that will further determine the development of our country. All Ukrainian people, the whole of Europe, the whole civilized world are looking forward to the victory of our glorious Motherland in the war. We are all waiting for a peaceful life. At the same time, by organizing such events as the conference "The Role of Youth in the Development of the Agrarian sector of Ukraine", we are actively working to restore the capacity lost due to the war, move to a new level of economic and social development, support our youth and involve them in scientific work.

So we work for Peace and Victory!

Glory to Ukraine!

Kateryna Alekseieva,
As. Professor of the Production and Investment Management Department

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