Help for the Armed Forces of Ukraine – fundraising for purchasing vehicles

3 квітня 2022 року

Dear colleagues, friends, partners,
We have been approached by our great friends - foresters who used to protect the forests around Chernobyl from fires, and now are protecting Ukraine against invading forces from Russia, having joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the north of our country.

They need help in providing their unit with vehicles for completing combat missions in the areas which are still contested. We would like to raise 4000 EUROS to help them. The quicker we can gain this amount – the quicker we can keep our forests safe, permitting our firefighters to return to their jobs and keeping Chernobyl safe from fires, as well as preventing occupying forces from returning.


We have completed the fundraiser! Thanks everyone!


Ukraine Will Win!

Team of the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Centre

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