Only forward and do not stop there: conference of the staff of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy

28 грудня 2021 року

On December 24, 2021, the reporting conference of the staff of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine took place. The vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and development Serhiy Mykolayovych Kvasha represented the University administration on behalf of the administration. The meeting was held in person with all quarantine requirements.
The conference was opened by Iryna Matvienko, head of the trade union bureau of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, associate professor of the department of philosophy and international communication.

  After the announcement of the agenda and approval of the regulations, the floor was given to the report on the work of the faculty for 2021, the dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, PhD, associate professor Inna Savytska.

   Inna Mykolayivna began her report on the quality of work of the departments of the faculty, which is an integral part of the quality of education in general. There are thirteen departments at the faculty, including 10 graduating departments and only 3 general university departments. In the reporting year, the department of philosophy and international communication received the status of a graduate department, which together with the department of international relations and social sciences began training international students

  She noted that a number of educational programs of professional departments of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy have been accredited this year. Five educational and professional programs: four undergraduate - "Journalism", "Professional Education", "International Relations", "Psychology" and one undergraduate - "Psychology", this year have successfully passed the accreditation, receiving category B. Due to this bachelors and masters of these specialties will receive state diplomas

  According to Dean Inna Savytska, the number of students at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy is constantly growing. Just five years ago, there were 641 students at the faculty, and now there are 2182! The number of students has more than tripled in recent years. The slight decline in the number of entrants observed in 2020 was caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, this year it was fully compensated - 370 more students have entered the faculty of humanities and pedagogy i.e. more than last year.


  Despite the quarantine restrictions, this year the faculty maintained international relations by developing cooperation with foreign universities for internships and double degree programs. Thus, 33 students of our faculty are studying at the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk, Poland, the dean said. Next year we expect the first applicants for a double degree with a master's degree.


   In the reporting year, the quality of research and teaching staff increased: Ihor Butsyk has become a doctor of pedagogical sciences, and Mykola Kostenko and Natalia Rudnytska have become candidates of pedagogical sciences, Yuriy Rozhkov and Yulia Molotkina have become candidates of philological sciences. It is nice to note that Rostyslav Tarasenko and Maria Lychuk have received professors' certificates, and Olena Lauta, Iryna Matvienko, Tetyana Kychkyruk, Denys Ruden, Oleksandra Shynkaruk, Inna Hrabovska, Marianna Holtsova, Natalia Bilous, Elena Balalayeva have become associate professors.

    Roman Rudyi has received the title of People's artist of Ukraine, and Vadym Kryshchenko has been awarded the Order of the Knight of the Fatherland. People's artist of Ukraine Natalia Shelepnytska - the Order "For the development of Ukraine". Professors of the department Vadym Kryshchenko, Natalia Shelepnytska, associate professor Roman Rudyi have received an American diploma for popularization of Ukrainian song, and the name of Natalia Shelepnytska has appeared on the Alley of stars in Kyiv.

  According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine, Viktor Kavun, Valery Krasnov and Mykola Maksyuta have been awarded state scholarships. Inna Mykolayivna congratulated her colleagues and wished them further success and not to stop there.

  According to the dean, in the reporting year the faculty held a number of scientific conferences, including 7 international and 5 all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conferences. The faculty personnel have published the results of their research, publishing 45 monographs, 579 scientific articles, which is 245 more than last year, published more than 400 abstracts of scientific reports, as well as 6 abstracts in collections included in the Web of Science database. In 2021, 5 certificates for the author's work of a scientific nature were received.

 Our faculty members have published 57 articles in Scopus and Web of Science publications, which is 19 articles more than last year.
It is clear that the pandemic has made adjustments, but some departments of the faculty focused and conducted online activities, which helped improve the quality of student learning. Yes, it has become a good tradition to hold high-quality, informative and interesting thematic weeks. According to Inna Savytska, the Week of psychology, the Week of philosophy, the Week of Ukrainian language and literature, and the Week of French have been held at a high level.

     It is a pleasure to note the success of our students. The second place at the All-Ukrainian level was won by two students of our faculty: in the field of "Professional Education" - V. Cherepyana and in the field of "Social work" - V. Matsola; the third place was won by two students of our faculty in the field of "Educational, pedagogical sciences" - M. Hulyan; in the field of "Management" - O. Hrebchenko.

  Work continued on the development of our TV channel "My NULES". In this year's 12 issues, our student journalists covered events that took place at the university during the year, supported all faculties and during accreditations, Open Days, competitions and various events. The TV channel is a powerful means of advertising and self-promotion in the market of educational services, so the development of the TV channel is a priority for the 2021/2022 academic year, said Inna Savytska.

   Despite the pandemic, the creative and artistic life of the faculty did not stop. Today, more than 150 students are active participants in all groups and creative studios working at the department of cultural studies under the leadership of Iryna Maidanyuk, their number has grown by 22. Teams participated in more than 60 national and international competitions, festivals, charity projects, received about 100 awards.

 2021 was a fruitful year for the sports achievements of our students and teachers. Thus, the head of the department of physical education Mykola Kostenko entered the top ten coaches in the world. Senior lecturer V. Parkhomenko - winner of the European Cup. And instructors Vitaliy Andriyash, Olena Otroshko, Artem Ilyichov, Ksenia Mazur are the winners of the championships of Ukraine and Kyiv. The student body of the faculty also has serious sports achievements. Currently, our faculty leads the current ranking of the Student Spartakiad (Games) at the university.

  An important aspect of ensuring the quality of the educational process is the material and technical base, said Inna Mykolaivna, which is why the faculty continues to participate in the equipment of classrooms, offices, laboratories to ensure the educational process. During the year, the departments of the faculty carried out repairs in their premises, and also completed the arrangement in the third educational building of the Educational and scientific center for simultaneous translation of the department of foreign philology and translation and the Center for social and psychological rehabilitation of the department of social work and rehabilitation.


Every year we see an increase in total revenues to the special fund for educational activities. In 2021, this is more than 38 million hryvnias.
At the same time, the dean stressed that there are a number of problems in the organization of educational and scientific activities that need to be urgently addressed. This year's challenge for the faculty was to recruit masters. The reluctance of bachelors to continue their master's studies, the introduction of CEE, reduced the number of entrants. 2022 will be a difficult year in the admission campaign for the master's degree, as the CEE must be taken for all specialties of the faculty, and the CPEE (combined professional entrance exam) will be applicants for educational programs "Psychology", "Journalism", "International Relations", "Personnel Management", "Management of educational institution". Graduating departments need to think about and develop a course of preparatory classes for the CPEE (the only professional entrance test), and conduct it both during the semester and express training just before the entrance exam. The task of the department of philosophy and international communication is to prepare and conduct an express course for graduates of these specialties on taking the exam (TZNPK).
At the end of the report, Inna Savytska addressed the staff of the faculty and students, that the work done in 2021 is the merit of the whole team, both students and professors. We must be united, responsible and confident in the future.
Priorities of the faculty and departments in 2022 should be: improving the quality of educational services and successful admission campaign in 2022, improving the level of foreign language teaching and preparing graduates for CEE, expanding bases of internships and intensifying the work of the Council of employers, certification of Ukrainian-speaking ETC and creation of e-learning courses in English, development of My NULES TV channel, increase in the number of training and research laboratories, increase in the number of publications in Scopus, Web of Science and citation index, successful accreditation of educational and scientific programs, participation in scientific competitions and grants, increase citations at Google Academy, conducting career guidance work on attracting foreign students to study, deepening and expanding existing contacts with foreign partners in Europe, organizing internships for teachers and students at foreign partner universities.
Serhiy Kvasha, vice-rector for research and teaching and development activity, spoke on behalf of the university, emphasizing that our faculty is very dynamic and in constant development and movement, but we must not forget that students are a powerful source of change. as teachers, we must pay special attention to educational, scientific work and patriotic education of student youth. In his speech, he approved the work of the faculty, noting the general nature of the humanities and expressed admiration for the success of our athletes and creative teams at the level of Ukraine and the world


  Heads of departments Inna Hrabovska, Mykola Kostenko, professors Oleksandr Kuchai, Natalia Shelepnytska, associate professors and senior lecturers Olena Lauta, Natalia Rudnytska and Alyona Altanova took part in the discussion of the dean's report.


    Students-activists also joined the discussion. Marharyta Hulyan, the head of the student organization, spoke on behalf of the students and thanked the administration for the opportunity to study full-time during the adaptive quarantine period. Unlike other educational institutions, our university implements a policy of mixed forms of education and offers the opportunity to live in a dormitory throughout the year. The student organization supports the policy of the university and the faculty. It is nice to note, she said, that most students of the Faculty of Humanities and Education enjoy full-time study, because it is an opportunity to communicate with friends and teachers, gain knowledge in direct communication and in practical classes.

  The dean's report was approved by a unanimous vote, and the outlined priority areas for the development of the faculty in 2022 were approved.

  The staff of our faculty should not stop there. All the tests of time only harden the team, promote its cohesion, provide experience, stimulate the search for new creative solutions. However, I want to believe that next year will bring not only trials, but also even more achievements and unforgettable moments of friendly cooperation.

  It was a pleasure for the instructors and support staff to be presented diplomas and letters of thanks by the dean.














  At the end of the conference of the labor collective, dean Inna Mykolaivna Savytska congratulated everyone on the upcoming New Year holidays and wished good health and success!

Iryna Matvienko,
head of the trade union bureau of the faculty

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