Education is the most powerful weapon

26 грудня 2021 року

"Education is the most powerful weapon with which it is possible to change the worlds" - with such deep conviction in the words of Nelson Mandela began the final certification of students of master's programs of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy for the first half of the two-semester course "Head of the educational institution" tought by a professor of pedagogy, rector of the university Stanislav Nikolaenko.



   The successful conduct of the final certification was not hindered by modern quarantine restrictions, which took place online in compliance with all necessary requirements. The use of modern managers, means of video communication and e-learning opportunities allowed to organize live and productive communication with student youth. The main didactic feature of the event was the application of methods of monitoring academic achievement based on the principle of comprehensiveness and differentiation in the diagnosis of knowledge, skills and abilities of students based on the use of reproductive, reconstructive and heuristic tasks.



   The first half of the course "Head of Educational Institution" was devoted to the study of the following issues: global and national trends in education development management; legal principles of implementation of managerial functions by the head of the educational institution; the impact of European and world integration processes on the legislative support for the development of higher education in Ukraine; legislative and normative-legal support of the activity of higher education institutions of Ukraine; prospects for the development and legislative support of vocational and professional higher education; legislative support of managerial activity of the head of general secondary, preschool and out-of-school education institutions; legal support of financial and economic activities and organization of labor protection in educational institutions; foreign experience in the operation and legislative support of educational institutions.



    In the process of final certification, students provided answers, skillfully combining theory with practice, gave sound answers and convincing examples, offered their own creative and professionally sound ideas. The conducted attestation does not complete the study of the whole course "Head of the educational institution". Next semester, students will move on to study: organizational and pedagogical foundations of management and self-management in the activities of the head of the educational institution, making management decisions in the educational institution, compliance with professional requirements for the head of the educational institution and ethics.

Ihor Butsyk,
associate professor of the department of pedagogy,
faculty of humanities and pedagogy

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