The best of the best in the literary translation competition

15 листопада 2021 року

On October 31, the first stage of the competition "The best literary translation of works by Ukrainian writers" ended. It lasted from October 20, 2021 to October 31, 2021. Mostly students of 10-11 grades of schools in Kyiv and Kyiv region presented their first translation attempts. Contestants presented an English translation of an artistic Ukrainian text. Ninth-graders are also interested. 86 students took part in the translators' competition. It is gratifying that these are not only students of Kyiv schools, but also schools of the eastern regions of Ukraine, as they were participants of the autumn school "Young Philologist" and after learning about the competition, they gladly joined. International students of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of the 3rd year also decided to try their knowledge in translation. The list of such applicants is 34 students.

From 01.11.21 the organizing committee of the competition started to check the competition works. The organizing committee decided that the best competition works would be collected in the collection "Competition of NULES-21 translators", electronic version. During the inspection of the works, the members of the organizing committee really enjoyed reading the created English-language texts, stylistically and spelling perfect. Each participant-translator testified to a deep love for the English language, the ability to operate competently with the acquired knowledge. The members of the organizing committee sincerely thank the English teachers who have such capable and intelligent students.
The best of the best were identified: five pupils and three students.
Among pupils of 10-11 grades the winners were:
First place: Ilyas Magri, 11-B class, gymnasium 32 "Success".

Second place: Andriy Naum, 10th grade, specialized school No. 211; Andriy Lytvyn, 11-A class, gymnasium 32 "Success"; Yulia Tkachenko, 10th grade, Kyiv engineering gymnasium.

Third place: Artem Svyrydyuk, 10-A class, school №70; Mykola Chernenko, 11th grade, Kyiv engineering gymnasium.

Among the pupils of 9th grades were noted:
First place: Daria Dobritsa, 9th grade, Specialized school of I-III grades No.102 with in-depth study of English; Valentyna Sytnyk, 9-A class, gymnasium of the M.P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University.

Second place: Anastasia Potebenko, 9-B class, specialized school No.211;;

Third place: Evelina Moskovko, 9th grade, gymnasium "Kyivska Rus" Darnytskyi district.

Among the students there were students majoring in "International relations, public communications and regional studies". The winners were: Shcherbyna Sofia Serhiivna, MV-19002b; Petrova Anastasia Hennadiivna, MV-19002b; Falko Daryna Ihorivna, MV-19001b


The 50 best works were selected, and the authors were invited to participate in the second stage, which would take place on January 20-February 6, 2022.
Each participant will receive a letter on their e-mail with the announcement of the results and motivation for further translation work. We decided to prepare Certificates for the winners and send them. This may be the first victory for the best, most skilled young translators!
Once again we sincerely congratulate all participants! We are waiting for further meetings. Ready for active dialogue.


Marianna Holtsova,
coordinator of the translators' competition,
Olena Turitsyna, member of the organizing committee

Press-centreTo Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)

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