Visegrad University Association representatives meeting

April 30, 2014

On April 28 - 29, top representatives of Visegrad University Association universities visited EU directorates in Brussels to discuss possibilities of cooperation. Among them were representatives of our university: Maksym D. Melnychuk - Vice-Rector for Scientific, Innovative and International Activities and Vadym A. Tkachuk, Director of ERC of International Activities. Totally, 21 representatives from 8 countries presenting 13 universities and institution participated in the event that offered new topics for discussion, exchange of knowledge and information.
The programme of the event included a visited of DG Research and Innovation and a meeting of the Director General, Dr. John Bell as well as the meeting at the Joint Research Centre and a discussion with the Director General. Prof. Vladimir Sucha. Presentations of Prof. Guido Van Huylenbroeck, the ICA President and Dr. Daniela Chiran, a representative of Steibeis Europa Centrum, provided valuable insights on presented institutions including suggestions of cooperation possibilities.
A visit of the European Parliament was a good opportunity to learn more about functioning of the European Union and its administrative units.
The meeting of VUA representatives in Brussels was supported by the strategic project of International Visegrad Fund “Sustainability in Agrisector of V4 Countries and Cooperating Regions“ (Nr. 31110007).
Details on the event you can find on the link
Eugene Kanarsky
Assistant to the Rector for International Affairs


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