During 6-8 April 2014 Professor Johann Georg Goldammer, director of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), Germany visited National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULESU)

April 14, 2014

     During 6-8 April 2014 Professor Johann Georg Goldammer, director of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), Germany visited National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULESU). The Center has United Nations mandate to coordinate global cooperation in wildfires management. Prof. Serfiy Zibtsev - Head of the international programs of the Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management (IFLPM) was the coordinator of the visit.

     During the visit at April 6, 2014 by faculty of the Institute and staff of the Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Center of NULES of Ukraine (REEFMC) (http://nubip.edu.ua/en/reefmc) first time in Ukraine established long-term Fire Experiment on assessment of impacts of a surface fire on forest ecosystem health and dynamics in forests of Boyarska Forest Research Station.

     At April 7, 2014 meeting between J.G. Goldammer, Rector of NULES of Ukraine Academician D. Melnychuk, Director of the IFLPM Prof. Lakyda P.I. and director of the REEFMC prof. Zibtsev S.V. took place. During the visit the international seminar «Current trends and challenges in fire management in Eastern Europe region» was held. The staff of the Silviculture Department of IFLPM, students, staff of state forestry enterprises and employees of Ukrainian Center of Training and Advanced Education of Forestry Professionals («Ukrcentrkadrylis») participated in seminar.
     At April 8, 2014 representatives of NULES of Ukraine and the Global Fire Monitoring Center discussed international cooperation in the field of forest fires with the Head of the State Agency of Forest Resources Cherniakov V. V. (http://dklg.kmu.gov.ua/forest/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=115931&cat_id=32888) and acting Chairman of the State Service for Emergencies A. Boyko (http://www.mns.gov.ua/news/32447.html).

Presentation by Prof. J.G. Goldammer (GFMC) at the International Seminar «Current trends and challenges in fire management in Eastern Europe region», Boyarka Ukraine, April 8, 2014

Presentation by Prof. S. Zibtsev (REEFMC) at the International Seminar «Current trends and challenges in fire management in Eastern Europe region», Boyarka Ukraine, April 8, 2014

Prof. J.G. Goldammer making introduction about fire behavior before the Fire Experiment in forests of Boyarska Forest Research Station, April 6, 2014

 Measurement of climatic parameters before Fire Experiment in forests of Boyarska Forest Research Station, April 6, 2014

Pouring by water borders of anthill to prevent it from damage by fire during the Fire experiment

During the active phase of Fire Experiment

Experiment participants after Fire Experiment

Start of Fire Experiment in forests of Boyarska Forest Research Station, April 6, 2014


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