Teamwork of humanities is the key to the success of further studies at the university

May 15, 2021

A busy week at the university was given to 4th year humanities students. The dean's office of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy has prepared a number of surprises for them.

     An individual schedule was waiting for each academic group. Specialists of the dean's office made sure that the team of the group studied in one classroom every day and did not come into contact with other teams within the educational process. Dean of the faculty Inna Savytska, deputy deans Ihor Butsyk, Svitlana Kharchenko and Yaroslav Rudyk monitored daily attendance of students, paying special attention to classes in preparation for UEE. Deputy dean Alla Kravchenko took care of the schedule of these classes in close contact with the deans of faculties and directors of the Institute, and she advised the head of academic groups in case of questions.

     The first days of training showed low activity of graduates and interest in attending intensive foreign languages. Subsequently, the work of heads of graduating departments in cooperation with mentors of academic groups has led to an increase in the number of students in the classroom

     On the first day of training, 4th year students had another surprise, thanks to which they were able to learn a lot of new information about the next weeks of their stay at the University ...

     On May 11, 2021, in pursuance of the decision of the rector's office, the dean of the faculty Inna Savytska met with final year students of all specialties. Traditionally, in the conditions of a coronavirus pandemic, the meeting took place in the fresh air in compliance with the conditions of quarantine.

      It is no coincidence that the day for the meeting was chosen - the students only showed up at the university after long weeks of "distance". The dean's office of the faculty should update the data of morbidity monitoring in academic groups, find out with what indicators of success students go to the final session and feel the confidence of students in preparing for the future UEE.

     Right at the stadium, students were able to register for a free foreign language intensive, which is held for 2 weeks by leading teachers of philology at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy.

     Deputy deans Svitlana Kharchenko and Yaroslav Rudyk answered students' questions, reminded once again the main web resources with information materials that need to be monitored daily, and wished success to all future graduates during the exams.


Press center of the dean's office of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy

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