Participation in beautification action citywide

22 March 2014, 20:30

On March 22, 2014 Students of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Automation of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, in particular freshmen of academic groups АКІТ-1301 and АКІТ-1302 enrolled in the specialty "Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies", together with their mentors: Senior Lecturer Vadym Shcherbatiuk and Professor Assistant Alla Dudnyk, joined the citywide cleanup, which began the traditional spring two-months campaign for improvement of the environment.
These students and teachers were involved in the work on beautification Holosiivskyi Park named after M. Rylskyi, namely doing landscaping and cleaning ponds of this recognized landscape art relic of national importance.
Due to own efforts there were prepared and planted more than 300 saplings – molded specimens of hornbeam and purified significant coastal territory of one of Holosiievo pounds.

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