Nomination of the young scientists’ research work of the Department for the award of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine annual Prize in 2014

12 March 2014, 14:04

 "Intelligent control system for industrial production using the methods of statistical decision theory and prediction," – it is the exactly title of the research work, which was carried out jointly by young scientists of the Department of Automation and Robotic Systems of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULESU) and the Department of Automation of Control Processes of National University of Food Technologies (NUFT, Ukraine) during 2005-2012 and intends to receive the annual Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the most talented young scientists in the field of fundamental and applied research and scientific and technical developments in 2014. Direct executors and pretenders for the award of the title of Prize laureate are members of the team of authors:
- Vadym Shcherbatiuk, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Automation and Robotic Systems of NULESU;
- Volodymyr Shtepa, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Automation and Robotic Systems of NULESU;
- Nataliia Zaiets, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Automation and Robotic Systems of NULESU;
- Lidiia Vlasenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Automation of Control Processes of NUFT.
It should be mentioned that the presented research work was performed as a part of state financing research works of NULESU on topics: “Development of energy saving automatic control systems for technological processes and production at agricultural enterprises of industrial type” (state registration number – 0103U006013) and “Development of a computer-integrated system of energy resources effective control in poultry farms” (state registration number – 0108U001969).
Results of the research work at different stages of its implementation were presented at the above mentioned departments, Fundamental Council of the Research Institute of Electrical Power Systems of the Education and Research Institute of Energetics and Automatics of NULESU, as well as at international scientific conferences in Ukraine and abroad, where they received approval and recognition of authoritative specialists. The proposed research work is innovative, as performed using the latest artificial intelligence and prediction methods, is of great scientific and practical value for production. The developed intelligent control system is a new object of technology, consistent with the current international standards, has reasonable prospects for further mainstreaming and integration into biotechnical industry not only in Ukraine, but also abroad, at other areas with different climatic conditions and growing or housing other types of biological objects. Propositions, conclusions and recommendations contained in the research work are valid and reliable, as in detail, in compliance with the prescribed requirements are tested and proven by analytical, experimental methods and confirmed by long practice in production. In addition, together with the authors of this research and the Department of Automation and Robotic Systems in whole, the partners from Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland), the Faculty of Production Engineering intend to further develop bilateral research projects.
Actually the research work is devoted to efficiency increasing (energy and technological) of the agrobiological industrial production process (for biotechnical and biotechnological objects) through the development and implementation of intelligent control system based on the use of methods of statistical decision theory, prediction of natural disturbances and dynamics of quality indexes of a biological object, which implements the object operation by profit maximization criterion. The control system implements the operation of the facility by maximizing production profit criterion depending on the physical condition of a biological object, its dynamic and adaptive capabilities, and taking into account the possible natural disturbances on the control object. Presently known systems of this type are neglected these factors that leads to additional expenses for manufacturing and consequently reducing its yield.
Well, we wish unquestioning acceptance and approval of the research work of the Ukrainian scientific and technical community and the award of Vadym Shcherbatyuk, Volodymyr Shtepa, Nataliia Zaiets and Lidiia Vlasenko of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine annual Prize, as well as further advances on their educational and scientific field!

The Department staff

To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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