Підготовка до останньої сесії магістрів англомовної групи

2 June 2021, 10:24
Кафедра лісівництва, ННІ ЛіСПГ, НУБіП України

Preparation for the last session of the masters of the English-speaking group

         Due to the complication of the epidemiological situation and the changes in the schedule of the educational process, the Master students of the English-speaking group were forced to go to distance learning. Therefore, the mentor of the group Olha Tokarieva online discussion with Master students on the implementation of the requirements of the individual plan of the second semester and preparation for the spring session, which will be the last.
        The students reported that they had completed a significant part of the practical and independent work, and were preparing for the exams, which would be held in English for the first time among the students of the Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management
       During the online meetings with students, important issues concerning the procedure for conducting an examination session in quarantine were discussed. Students received answers to urgent questions about the educational process and the conditions of liquidation of academic debts. The mentor of the group also inquired about the state of health of the students, reminded of the need to wear masks and maintain social distance.


Наставник, доц. Токарєва О.В.

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