Meeting of the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, M.V. Prysyazhnyuk, with the students of NULES of Ukraine

November 27, 2013

          On November 26, 2013, the students of NULES of Ukraine participated in the meeting with the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, M.V. Prysyazhnyuk. The meeting was also attended by the Head of the university,  Academician,  D.O. Melnychuk, the Vice-Chancellor, V.P. Lysenko, the Head of the Educational and Scientific Centre for Cultural, Educational and Social Activities, D.K. Cherkashyn, the Head of the Student Organization, O. Kukhar and the heads of all educational and research institutes of NULES of Ukraine.

The conversation with the Minister lasted over an hour. The participants addressed key issues such as negotiations and further cooperation between Ukraine, the European Union and the Customs Union, benefits Ukraine can obtain during collaboration with these partners, and also renovation of the academic building No. 3.
The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere. The Minister answered all questions and mentioned that it is crucial for Ukraine to become a partner for the EU and for the Customs Union.
It is very important that the leaders take into account the opinion of younger generation while making such vital decisions.

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