Press Release of the International Scientific Conference

November 4, 2013

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of the International Scientific Conference “Earth Bioresources and Environmental Biosafety: Challenges and Opportunities”, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and the 15th anniversary of the Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for the Agricultural and Life Sciences (GCHERA)

Kyiv, November 4-7, 2013


Twenty-first century has become a critical period for humanity by the number of various natural and man-made disasters. Many scientists from all over the world including those from NULES of Ukraine are trying to prevent one of the disasters known as acidosis of nature -- global acidification of the environment. The consequences of this phenomenon are quite disturbing for humanity. Well-known universities and research institutions from all over the world consolidate their efforts to tackle the issues of quality and safety of biological resources and environment, sustainable environmental management and life safety, the role of the higher education in this process. The International Scientific Conference “Earth Bioresources and Environmental Biosafety: Challenges and Opportunities” will address all above mentioned issues as well as the issue of cooperation between foreign partners aimed at solving the existing problems. The Conference was organised by the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, supported by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, GCHERA and Food and Agricultural Organization of the UNO (FAO).


Head of the Organizing Committee is the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NULES of Ukraine, S.G. Arbuzov.


The Conference plenary session will take place on November 5, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at the International Convention Centre “Ukrainian House". Meetings of the sections will be held on November 6-7 at the academic buildings of the university (Heroyiv Oborony Street, 11; for information phone 258-34-87).


More than 450 scientists from Ukraine and other countries will participate in the conference.


During the conference the scientists will pay attention to the consequences of the acidosis of nature such as loss of potable water, significant decrease of humus in the soil and thus increase of biomass on land, inhibition of growth and reproduction of algae and other aquatic organisms (it is traditionally believed that the main source of oxygen on the planet is forests, but it is not so: it is the sea plants and algae that produce about 80 % of oxygen and absorb and utilize carbon dioxide). These are disastrous consequences of the acidosis of nature which still can be prevented. The conference will also cover the issues of longevity and quality of life.


Press conference dedicated to conclusions and decisions made will take place on November 7, from 10:00 to 13:00 (Heroyiv Oborony Street, 11, Room No. 228). Additional information can be found on the web-site of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.


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