35-та річниця Чорнобильської катастрофи

7 April 2021, 14:15
Кафедра лісівництва

 35th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster

      26 April Ukraine will mark 35th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster.
      The meltdown at the Soviet plant was the worst nuclear disaster in history.
     An uncontrolled reaction blew the roof off, spewing out a cloud of radioactive material which drifted into other parts of the USSR, including Russia and Belarus, and northern Europe.
     Chernobyl is not a historical event in Ukraine but a living reality for an unquantifiable number of people. For the people who were evacuated after the disaster and separated from their families. For the estimated 180 residents who still live inside the 30km exclusion zone.
      Then there are those who died in the immediate aftermath of the accident. Their loved ones still mourn. And finally there is the highly contentious issue of how many people have died, or suffered illnesses, particularly cancers, because of exposure to high levels of radiation. That debate will probably never be resolved.
      The attempted cover-up by the Soviet authorities in 1986 further discredited rule by Moscow. And 35 years on, Chernobyl is etched into the consciousness of an independent Ukraine.
     Yakiv Sviatko visited Chernobyl and saw all the horror of the tragedy. He shared his impressions and said that levels of radioactivity remain high in the surrounding area.
      Dana Shylin told about her visit to the Chernobyl Museum. She resumed that:
"The Chernobyl disaster is the largest anthropogenic disaster in the history of humankind".


Наставник, доц. Токарєва О.В.

Регіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Захисти дисертаційНабір на навчання (синій)_2015

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