Current reporting of postgraduate student Danko Ludmila Anatoliivna at the meeting of the Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity on April 01, 2021

April 1, 2021
Department of AM and FEA of AM faculty NULES of Ukraine

    On April 01, 2021, at the meeting of the Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity, an interim report of the second third year postgraduate student of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education Danko Ludmila Anatoliivna on the state of implementation of the individual work plan had been considered.

   Dissertation research topic: "Corporate social responsibility in the formation of enterprises competitive advantages".

   Danko L.A. had presented purpose, object, subject, research methods, results of certification courses in the field of scientific work, results of publication activity.

  According to the results presented in the report, a discussion took place during which the SPW and the postgraduate student discussed approaches to the presentation of research methods, stylistic features of the preparation of the dissertation manuscript, features of working with the information base of research. Also Danko L.A. had shared the experience gained during the pedagogical practice (conducting practical classes on the subject "Methods of social and empirical research" for students of the 2nd year of preparation for the bachelor's degree).


   Following the discussion, SPW recommended work intensification on the preparation of scientific publications, provided up-to-date information on the format of work and focused on scientific publications that meet the requirements for the submission of dissertation research results.

 V.V. Lutsiak

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