European integration de facto

10 July 2013, 14:14

 On July 10 this year the Department of Automation and Robotic Systems received Director of servicing company “Limit” Andrii Kolesnichenko and Manager of the Dutch company “Hoogendoorn Co” Stefano Hiwat.
Company “Hoogendoorn Co” is the world's pioneer in automation control systems for greenhouses. Among its products are control computer iSii, greenhouse management information system Nomad, intelligent crop conditions monitoring system i4All.
“Hoogendoorn Growth Management” – is a producer of-the-art computers and systems for business and production processes registration. This enables the efficient use of water, energy, flexibility to manage climatic conditions in greenhouses. Modular software ensures the most efficient use of available resources, such as natural gas, fertilizer and water. Thus, “Hoogendoorn” helps its clients to minimize costs (for electricity) and carbon dioxide emissions, maximize profits from growing crops.
The guests got acquainted with material and technical base of the department, its scientific achievements, including ones for greenhouses.
The result of the meeting was an agreement on the preparation of an international conference with the participation of the Association “Teplytsi Ukrayiny” (“Greenhouses of Ukraine”), the Dutch manufacturers of equipment for greenhouses and the university scientists to create so-called polygon of latest technologies in greenhouse production.
In addition with much gratitude the guests accepted the invitation to take part in the International scientific conference devoted to the 115th anniversary of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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