Business planning and development of investment projects - topics of bachelor's theses of graduates of the Production and Investment Management Department

12 June 2020, 10:00

On June 10-11, 2020, the Production and Investment Management Department organized an online defense of bachelor's theses by graduates of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, specialty "Management" specialization "Management of Investment Activities and International Projects".

The Dean of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Anatolii D. Ostapchuk addressed the audience with an introductory speech.

The examination commission included: R. Buryak - Head of Department of Marketing and International Trade, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Chairman of the Commission); T. Vlasenko - Associate Professor of Production and Investment Management Department, Ph.D .; M. Dielini - Associate Professor of Production and Investment Management, Doctor of Economics; A. Dergach - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Production and Investment Management Department, Ph.D.; M. Mykolaenko - Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Production and Investment Management Department (Secretary of the Commission).

The Head of the Production and Investment Management Department, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor Lidiia Shynkaruk addressed the students with words of support and confidence in the success of each emphasizing the importance and necessity of acquiring knowledge.

The Chairman of the Examination Commission, Head of the Department of Marketing and International Trade, Doctor of Economics, Professor Ruslan I. Buryak also joined the welcome speech and began the work of the commission.

The presented bachelor's theses differed in their relevance and thoroughness of research. The range of selected topics was quite wide: from the development of individual business projects, ways to optimize the investment policy of enterprises and the formation and development of the investment project team to research on the impact of foreign investment on the agri-food sector of Ukraine.




Members of the examination commission were pleasantly surprised by the high level of preparation of bachelor's theses. Each work was unusual and innovative.




Our dear bachelors! We are proud of you! Today, more than ever, you have come together and shown a fairly high level of knowledge. And this means that the years of study at NULES of Ukraine in the specialization "Management of Investment Activities and International Projects" were not in vain. You have become real experts.

We invite you to continue your Master's Degree with the Production and Investment Management Department where you will gain complete structural knowledge in project management!



Anna Dergach, 
Senior Lecturer, Production and
Investment Management Department

Translated by 
K. Alekseieva

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