Congratulations on the birthday of Vitaliy Mykolayovych SHMARHUN! (Rectorate)

May 19, 2020


The rectorate of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine sincerely congratulates the head of the department of psychology, doctor of psychological sciences, professor


Vitaliy Mykolayovych SHMARHUN!
on his birthday


Please accept our sincere congratulations on the occasion of your holiday! We want happiness to surround you everywhere and let all troubles and difficulties avoid you. For any endeavors may you be successful, all your wishes be fulfilled and the list of fulfilled dreams be replenished!

Let your enthusiasm not fade, always remain cheerful, creative, persistent and purposeful, and adhere to absolutely positive thinking in work. This will help you to reach new heights and brilliant results quickly and confidently.

We want you to add new experience, knowledge, wisdom and strength to your treasury every year. Let your life horizons be filled with new dreams and fulfilled wishes!

Happy holiday!


rector of NULES of Ukraine   Stanislav Nikolaenko


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