NULES of Ukraine and France: Lasting Partnership
On March 13-18, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine was visited by French representative delegation of the Association "Friendship without Borders", led by co-presidents Ellen Mory and Patrick Rabalan. French specialists in agricultural areas met with the Head of the university, Academician, Hero of Ukraine, Dmytro O. Melnychuk and with the teaching staff of NULES of Ukraine. After a short introduction about the structure of NULES of Ukraine, its educational and research institutes and faculties, the parties presented their achievements in scientific and practical activities. Common areas of interest included academic and research work, varieties and cultivation technologies of rape (with subsequent processing into biofuels), techniques in organic agricultural production, use of animal wastes for production of biogas and bio-fertilizers, safety issues of genetically modified organisms, influence of natural factors and technologies of cultivation of major crops (primarily grain) upon quality and safety of food, influence of human activities upon quality of natural waters.
Agrarians from France were greatly interested in scientific and practical research and developments of specialists of NULES of Ukraine. It is not surprising. The problems in the field of agricultural science in France and Ukraine are very similar. Application of European modern technologies in agricultural production, viticulture, horticulture, and cultivation of grain and industrial crops has justified itself in France, and becomes widely spread in Ukraine. Unfortunately, our country lacks experience, experts and necessary literature. Therefore, the participants discussed further cooperation between NULES of Ukraine and French delegation of agrarians. The cooperation will involve exchange of experience among teachers and students in order to implement future developments into practical projects. The French delegation led by Ellen Mory suggested the Head of NULES of Ukraine continuing and broadening the agreement on cooperation that was signed in 2009. From now on, the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products and the Department of Public Administration of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine are among the parties of the agreement. Ellen Mory also offered the scholars, future professors and doctors of philosophy to fulfil their practical studies at the French enterprises. The delegation of French agrarians expressed sincere gratitude to the Head of the university, Dmytro O. Melnychuk for his assistance in organization of numerous activities, such as international round table that took place in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the topic -- "Public Regulation of the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products"), international round table held at the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (the topic – “Public Regulation of Quality Management Systems and Safety of Food and Agricultural Raw Materials"), meetings in educational and research institutes, interesting excursions, and also for organizing the selection of students at the Department of Public Administration.
French party deeply appreciated the work done by the organizing committee headed by the CEO of the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, PhD (Biology), Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, S. Melnychuk. The delegation also expressed gratitude to the Head of the Department of Public Administration, PhD (Public Administration), Professor, L. Usachenko, the Head of the Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, O. Starynets, the First Vice-Rector of the Academy of Municipal Administration, PhD (Public Administration), Professor, V. Bakumenko, PhD (Public Administration), Professor, O. Rudenko, PhD (Public Administration), Professor, P. Gaman, the First Deputy of the Head of the Office of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, PhD (Public Administration), Professor, M. Gaman, the Advisor of the Head of the National Institute for Strategic Studies, PhD (Public Administration), Professor, V. Vorotin, the Head of Chromatography and Spectral Analysis of the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, PhD (Biology), V. Tsvilikhovskyy, postgraduate student of the National Academy of Public Administration, assistant of the deputy of Ukraine, postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, O. Tkachenko, Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor, interpreter, O. Kireytseva, Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor, T. Oliferenko, postgraduate student, Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Public Administration, L. Yushchenko, postgraduate student, Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Public Administration, M. Lavrenova.
The result of the meetings was the establishment of promising scientific and practical relations between the NULES of Ukraine and the Association "Friendship without Borders". After the meeting, the participants signed the agreement on cooperation. The charters of honour were handed to the Head of NULES of Ukraine and to all members of the delegation. French association "Friendship without Borders" selected 15 students of NULES of Ukraine who possess appropriate achievements, have profound knowledge of French, and are interested in the application of modern scientific experience in agricultural science in Ukraine. The participants of the meetings are deeply concerned that these students will stimulate the future development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine.