In search of resourcefulness as a defining feature of the future psychologist: the School of practical psychology project presented a workshop on "Open source of resources"

April 29, 2020

 "The more you know yourself, the more understandable the world becomes"

     Now the whole world is going through difficult times, and each of us is somehow stressed by the events that are happening. Many have been paralyzed by fears, struck down by aborted plans, demoralized by their own inaction, and the future is growing more and more worrying every day. In times of suspense and unpredictability, you just have to deal with your life trajectory.

     In this regard, the issues of effective strategies and ways of overcoming situations that are subjectively perceived by the individual as stressful situations become especially relevant, therefore, in the framework of the functioning of the “School of practical psychology”, the “Open source resource” workshop was held under the slogan “Resourcefulness is the defining trait of a psychologist."

     A specialist psychologist must not only have professional skills, but also be distinguished by certain personal qualities, in particular being able to update and manage their own resources. This involves an active personal involvement of the psychologist in the positive changes of the client.
     During the work, the meeting participants defined the concept of "resource" and gave it a reflective view. The "Open source" technique of BASIC-ID multimodal therapy developed by Arnold Lazarus helped us to discuss and analyze the correct distribution, use and replenishment of our own resources.

    The scientist hypothesized that most psychological problems are multifaceted and that complex therapy requires careful assessment of the seven dimensions or "modalities" in which people stay’ – behavior (B-behavior), emotions (A-affect), feelings (S-sensation), internal images (I-Imagery), cognitions (C-cognition), interpersonal relations (I-Interpersonal relations) and drug dependence (D-drugs). Hence, the BASIC-ID abbreviation, which defines seven dimensions of a person's personality and major areas of psychological functioning, is widely used. However, the BASIC-ID also reflects the uniqueness of each person. That is, despite the fact that all people have seven "modalities", two people are differently experiencing their psychological life. Thus, BASIC-ID can be seen as a unique, "basic identity" of a person in addition to the fundamental dimensions of his psychological composition, the definition and awareness of which helps to become more ideal of his "Self" (move from his real "I" a step or a little closer to your ideal "I").

     Testing of the “Open source resource” technique helped attend the workshop to look at a difficult life situation from another (personal) point of view; to realize the opportunity to transform negative experiences into positive ones; to reach a new level of spiritual and personal growth; identify and understand resources for support during a difficult period of life; use your new experience to help other people.

      The experience gained by the participants should be considered from the following points: they found out – Individual ways of interaction in difficult situations; learned to extract a resource from different life situations; realized – the need to maintain emotional state and focus on their own hopes, dreams, plans, support themselves and their loved ones; received – universal techniques for the restoration, activation and expansion of vital resources.

Looking forward to your next project meeting!

School of Practical Psychology


Larysa Afanasenko,
head of the “School of practical psychology” project,
associate professor of the department of psychology

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