

In October 10, 1920 was established Anatomy Department, as the first structural unit of the veterinary faculty of KPI (Kyiv Polytechnic Institute).

1920-1922 – the Head of Anatomy Department was master of veterinary science, professor Sergei P. Dubrova. Professor S.P. Dubrova introduced a system of subjects dividing into parts (osteology, syndesmology, myology, splanchnology, esthesiology, angioneurology) and their corresponding examination. Marks for taking these examination of were put to the "Alphabet". Total test scores were given on the base of these marks and taking examination. This tradition, which was started by Dubrova, remains up to now. Marks were given in accordance with the pre-revolutionary university requirements, "satisfactory", "quite satisfactory", "unsatisfactory." Later, the Soviet point system was introduced: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory.


Notes from "Alphabet"about passing colloquium by student 1923 intake, who became later a world famous morphologist, academician of the USSR AS - Volodymyr H. Kasyanenko (from the archives of Anatomy Department).

Notes from "Alphabet"about passing colloquium by student 1925 intake, who became later notable biochemist, academician of the USSR AS, hero of Ukraine  - Maxim F. Guly (from the archives of Anatomy Department).

Notes from "Alphabet"about passing colloquium by student 1960 intake, who became later notable biochemist, academician of the USSR AS, hero of Ukraine, rector of National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine Dmytro Dmytro O. Melnychuk (from the archives of Anatomy Department).



1921 - according to the decision of Hubprofosvita (June 3, 1921), the veterinary department was converted into a private institution of higher education - Kyiv Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute.

Building of Kyiv Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute (1921). Today -  Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine






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