NUBiP students took an experimental radioecology course at Norwegian University of Life Sciences for the third time

January 29, 2020
   A two-week training course was held at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Os, Norway) from January 08 till January 24, 2020. Eight NUBiP master students attended the lectures delivered by Brit Salbu (Norway), Deborah H. Oughton (Norway), Ole Christian Lind (Norway), V.O. Kashparov (Ukraine), Peter Stegnar (Slovenia), Tom Hinton (USA), Hildegarde Vandenhove (Belgium), Juan Carlos Mora Canadas (Canada).

    The course was free for NUBiP students. It was organized for the third time as a part of Joint Ukrainian-Norwegian education program in Environmental Radioactivity, which aims to encourage future scientists to study radioecology problems, increase the importance of radioecology as a science in Ukraine and boost further development of the scientific and technical basis of radioecological research.

    Expenses, which included flights, accommodation, insurance and daily allowances for 8 students, were fully covered by NUBiP of Ukraine!
    Participation in this course became a fantastic educational, scientific and cultural event for NUBiP students.

    The education program was organized as the result of the international cooperation between the scientists of the Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology of NUBiP of Ukraine, in particular, Professor Valeriy Kashparov, and leading Norwegian scientists - Professor Brit Salbu, Professor Ole Christian Lind, Professor Deborah H. Oughton. Professor Deborah H. Oughton, who since February 1, 2020 has become the Head of the CERAD Centre for Environmental Radioactivity at NMBU, made her first scientific steps as a NMBU graduate student during her practice at the Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology of NUBiP of Ukraine.

    Professor Deborah H. Oughton is the chief organizer of the course “Assessing Risk to Humans and the Environment”, which will be held from June 9 to June 19, 2020 at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) (Os, Norway). Detailed course information is available at

    Only full-time master and postgraduate students of NUBiP of Ukraine can participate in the course on a free-of-charge basis with reimbursement of business expenses.

    For further information please contact Senior Researcher of Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology of NUBiP of Ukraine, Valeriya Morozova.
    Phone: 050-142-63-48
    E-mail: [email protected].

    The requirements for candidates are very simple: basic English language skills, modern outlook and the desire to gain scientific experience in a European country.


Senior Researcher of Ukrainian Institute
of Agricultural Radiology of NUBiP of Ukraine,
Valeriya Morozova


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