The abnormal winter provoked large-scale fires of peat bogs in Chernihiv region

February 6, 2020
Chernihiv, Ukraine

The fire in the peatlands of Nizhyn district cannot be extinguished due to the low groundwater level and lack of precipitation.

It is impossible to raise the groundwater level by overlapping floodgates of melioration system located here. Because channels are dry as well as the surrounding bets.

Burning of dry grass began in early November, 2019 and flame is still has not extinct. Flame went underground and peat has burnt. Pits up to 1.1 m deep burnt out near the Vyunnitsa River, before its confluence with the Oster River.

This was announced by the teacher of Separated subdivision of NULES of Ukraine «Nizhin Agrotechnical Institute» Alexander Mikula on Facebook page


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