115th Academic Year Began at National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

September 3, 2012
On the 1st of September, 2012, a traditional holiday "Day of Knowledge" and a solemn initiation to freshmen took place at National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. They marked the beginning of a new 115th academic year. The holiday was attended by over two thousand freshmen studying at basic educational institution, its southern branch and regional higher educational establishments of I-III accreditation levels.
"Day of Knowledge" at the university is a special holiday, always bright and colorful, full of emotion and excitement. This day provides an opportunity for adults to recollect their "golden years" and for students to return to the second home -- university.
So this year the morning of the 1st of September was filled with melodious sounds of the student waltz, university streets bloomed with student smiles, and nostalgic views of teachers added some sad features to the atmosphere because everyone associates this day with their experiences and memories.
The university received numerous greetings from the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mykola Azarov, the Head of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Volodymyr Lytvyn, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Mykola Prysyazhnyuk, The Head of the Kyiv Regional State Administration, Anatoliy Prysiazhniuk, the Head of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, Alexander Klimenko, the Head of Verkhovna Rada of Crimea, Vladimir Konstantinov and others.
The Head of the university, Academician, D.O. Melnychuk with special warmth welcomed freshmen who are just starting their journey to mastery of a job which is filled with fascinating treasures of eternal wisdom and spiritual heritage of alma mater. In his speech he wished students academic excellence, happy and unforgettable student years, and numerous chances for achieving life goals. Also he wished teachers and university staff inspiration in work and new achievements in science, and all present good health, harmony and happiness.
A sheer pleasure was the greeting of the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NUBiP of Ukraine, Valery Khoroshkovsky, who read a congratulatory telegram from the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. The President sent warm and sincere greetings to all students and employees of the university and wished new achievements in teaching, research and scientific innovation work, persistence and academic excellence.
The holiday was also attended by Hero of Ukraine, Honorary Member of the Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Head of LLC "Agricultural Company “Mayak", Mykola Vasilchenko, Hero of Ukraine, CEO of Agricultural Company "Avangard-A ", Alexander Borovik, President of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, Leonid Kozachenko, President of the Endowment Fund “My Hometown ", People's Deputy of Ukraine, Igor Lisov, People's Deputy of Ukraine, Viktor Sinchenko, Ukrainian poet and singer, Professor of Department of Cultural Studies of the university, Vadim Kryschenko, Head of Institute of Hydrobiology of National Academy of Sciencies, Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Viktor Romanenko, Deputy Head of "Dream" Company, Vladislava Rutytska. They greeted freshmen with their initiation to students wishing persistence and self-confidence. Moreover, they encouraged students to be patriots of their country, to maintain and develop national traditions, be persistent and successful students, and highly qualified specialists of international level who will be devoted to Ukraine and will work on its benefit in future.
Artistic ensembles of the university showed hosts and guests of the holiday wonderful world of Ukrainian songs and dances, and performances of sportsmen added inspiration and positive energy.
It became a tradition on the 1st of September to grant friends of the university diplomas of Honorary Professors and Doctors of NUBiP of Ukraine as a sign of gratitude and respect for people who contributed into the development of the university. This year was not an exception: Vice President of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Professor Emeritus, Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources at Rutgers University, Ian L. Maw and the Head of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Peter Belik, received degrees of Honored Doctors of NUBiP of Ukraine. And Pro-rector for Didactics of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Professor, Bogdan Klepatski joined the cohort of Honored Professors of the university. They expressed their appreciation to the Head of NUBiP of Ukraine, mentioned the relevance of education in the field of natural, agricultural and food sciences and life sciences, high potential of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and suggested further cooperation.
This year the university started a new tradition. From now on the team of NUBiP of Ukraine will annually honor people who provide assistance and support of the university in all its endeavors. Thus, for the first time in history the honorary title of "Patron of NUBiP of Ukraine" was awarded to CEO «Leipurin», Matti Vaananen (Finland), Regional Manager of «CLAAS» Company in Ukraine, Thomas Clausnitzer, CEO of "AMACO" Company, Vitaly Skotsyk, President of LLC "Ukrleasing", Grygoriy Shelikhov, Chairman of BOD of "Universal-2004", Levon Osipyan, President of «Tavrika" Comercial Bank, Sergii Tsiupko, President of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, Leonid Kozachenko, President of the Endowment Fund "My Hometown", people’s deputy of Ukraine, Igor Lisov, CEO of Agricultural Company " Avangard-A ", Alexander Borovik, CEO of the National Union "Ukrplemobyednannya", Larisa Usachenko.
Traditional rewarding of the teaching staff and employees of university also took place during the holiday.

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