NULES – my choice, my success!

October 15, 2019

Career guidance at school helps young people make the right choice for their future profession, shorten their acquisition time, and generally determine the right path in the future.
Taking care of the quality assurance of selection of motivated youth – future specialists, active students of NULES of Ukraine carry out hard work with potential entrants in the direction of their professional orientation, by their own example encourage them to study, because their own example is a student, yesterday's card. That is why NULES 1st year student Druz Olga visited her local school, the municipal institution "Novovyazovska basic secondary school I-III degrees" Yurevsky district, Dnipropetrovsk region where she provided detailed information to students about the specialties presented in the humanities and pedagogy faculty. We look forward to meeting them in the walls of our university.

Assistant professor of the English language department
for technical and agrobiological specialties
O. Ponomarenko

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