The NULESU Football Team won the team from KNUCA

September 30, 2019

On September 27, the second match of the championship of the city of Kiev among the men's student teams in the football season 2019-20.

Our boys took a team from the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts. Recovering from the recent defeat, the collections from the very first minutes began to actively press. This tactic yielded results and during the first period our players scored five goals. At the gates of the opponent in turn were distinguished twice: Andriy Yevtushok (agrobiological Faculty), Artem Lisovskyi (Faculty of Agrarian Management), Bohdan Kutovenko (Faculty of Law) and freshman Bohdan Palamarchuk (Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogics). Instead, the KNUKiMnichi team could not oppose our team, the luck was on the side of the NULESU football players.



In the second half, rivals tried to get closer to our goal, but they failed. Another counterattack ended with the loss of the ball, which was used by our guys, and Bogdan Palamarchuk put an end to this match, scoring the sixth goal in the knob of KNUCA. The match ended with a score of 6-0 in favor of the NULESU National Team.

We congratulate the NULESU Football Team of Ukraine with a clear victory and we wish not to lose rotation!

Mykola Kostenko,
Head of the Department of Physical Education,
Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics

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