NUBiP of Ukraine - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: joint research projects and master's programs

August 26, 2019
    Within the framework of the FOSCAPE program, funded by the Swedish Institute, NUBiP delegation headed by Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, International Activity and Development, Vadym Tkachuk, took part in the practical seminar on the international projects development of the European Union HORIZON-2020 program, held at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Among NUBiP representatives were Dean of the Faculty of Livestock Raising and Water Bioresources, Vadym Kondratyuk, Professor of the Department of Genetics, Breeding and Reproductive Biotechnology, Andriy Getya, and Associate Professor of the Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology, Natalia Rudyk-Leuska. The seminar was attended by the representatives of Azerbaijan State Agricultural University, Belarusian Agricultural Academy, Georgian University, Mogilev University of Food Technologies, Poltava State Agricultural Academy, etc.
    During the visit, the participants got acquainted with scientific and pedagogical staff of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, who presented the university's material and technical resources, its education and research laboratories, and international projects. The annual budget of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences amounts to $ 420 million, 69% of which come from science and research, 13% - from environmental monitoring and only 18% - from tuition fees. Topics under discussion included further development of agricultural sciences, possibility of preparing new projects with the participation of leading research universities, including NUBiP of Ukraine. Our university was represented by Vice-Rector Vadym Tkachuk.
    The participants also discussed the possibility of introduction of the double degree diploma programs for training of fishery specialists and participation of master students of the Faculty in the joint master's program “Sustainable development of fishery”.
    As a result of the discussion, a working group on the development of international projects within the framework of HORIZON-2020 was created. During future meetings, NUBiP of Ukraine will be represented by Andriy Getya.
Vadym Kondratyuk


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