NUBiP students will participate in the Educational and Practical Course “Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy” at Wageningen University and Research (the Netherlands)

June 21, 2019
    From June 22 to July 6, 2019, the jubilee X International Educational and Practical Course “Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy” will be held as a part of international cooperation between NUBiP of Ukraine and Wageningen University and Research (WUR) (the Netherlands).

    This year 22 NUBiP students majoring in 101 “Ecology” and 27 students of the Institute of Life Sciences of Wageningen University were registered for the course. The course will last 2 weeks. The first week will start in the Netherlands, where students will get acquainted with each other, the campus and training facilities and will be divided into research groups that will undergo practical training at RIKILT Laboratory Quality Service. They will also undergo theoretical and practical courses by the leading professors and practitioners of WUR, Angela Pachuau, Dick Kers, Jaap Hart, Patricia Beckhis, who will provide students with information that will help them to write the final report on thee selected topics.

    The second week will be held at NUBiP of Ukraine. The participants will attend the lectures by leading Ukrainian professors Igor Gudkov and Valeriy Kashparov and practitioners Olena Parenyuk and Sergiy Myrnyy, as well as practical classes in the laboratories of the Department of Radiobiology and Radioecology and visit the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Zone of Alienation.

     During the course, the participants should address urgent international issues of ​​radioactivity and nuclear energy, such as radioactivity measurement, human exposure to radioactivity, impact of radioactivity on ecosystems, nuclear energy policy and (geo)politics, public opinion on nuclear energy, uranium extraction and enrichment, nuclear waste and reprocessing, nuclear energy technology and development, nuclear safety and security, nuclear energy legislation. On completing the course, the students will defend their reports and receive the final grade.

     The coordinators of the course are Lyudmila Vagalyuk, Volodymyr Illenko, Julia Rybalko (NUBiP of Ukraine) and Leni Van Bussel and Jouke Dykstra (WUR).

     On June 22, 2019, the delegation of students and teachers of NUBiP of Ukraine goes to Wageningen University. We wish the participants a lot of success in solving the tasks and presenting the university and the country.

Julia Rybalko,
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Plant Protection,
Biotechnology and Ecology

Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)

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