Business game as a method of forming the professional orientation of future financial managers

April 22, 2019
The business game "Diagnostics of the financial state of the enterprise: analytics and forecasting of the further activity" was conducted at the Department of Finance of NULES of Ukraine within the framework of practical training on discipline "Finances of enterprises" (lecturer - Ph.D., associate professor Lemishko O.). Students were asked to perform a diagnosis of the financial status of business entities in the agrarian sector of the economy using financial reporting data.

    Diagnostics was conducted on two enterprises. For this purpose, two groups of students were formed (group A, group B). At each enterprise, the main financial analyst (appointed by the lecturer) was elected, who, at his request, formed a group of financial managers. Each group received the same task in terms of content (by different enterprises) and had to provide a description of the financial condition of the enterprise, identify financial problems, predict future activities of the enterprise and, most importantly, identify possible ways of elimination identified during the diagnosis, financial problems.

     The task assigned to both groups was fulfilled in full. All conclusions were substantiated by calculations. However, the leader was Group B, which presented the results of the most comprehensive and well-founded diagnosis of the financial condition of the company, as well as formulated clear, reasoned practical recommendations for improving the financial state of the enterprise and formed, on this basis, predictive financial indicators.

    The acquired practical skills can be used by students in the course of preparation and defense of a course project on discipline "Finances of enterprises". A lively discussion by the teacher and students about the results of the conducted Business Game took place at the Department of Finance during coffee-break.

L. Berezovska


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