Requiem at the Memorial on university campus

May 7, 2012
On the 7th of May, NUBiP of Ukraine commemorated the 67th anniversary of the victory in World War II. A meeting-requiem was held at the Memorial on university campus to commemorate the teachers and students who died heroes defending Kyiv.
Head of NUBiP, academician Dmytro Melnychuk, and academic authorities laid flowers at the memorial. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Council of Veterans, members of student organizations, university trade unions, students and officers of Military Training Department, pupils of Environment and Natural sciences Liceum No.116 and the invited guests. The Deputy Head of Kyiv City State Administration M.I. Moshkola, who represented Holosiivsky District State Administration, greeted all the attendees.
Dear veterans! Best wishes on the upcoming holiday of Great Victory. May you and your families be healthy and happy! Glory to Ukraine!


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