The invitation to participate in the international conferences

22 May 2012, 10:00
12v Heroiv Oborony str. (Building No. 11), Kiev, Ukraine, 03041

 Students of the Faculty of Production Engineering (FPE), FPE Scientific Association and Dean of the Faculty of Production Engineering, are organizing the Days of Faculty of Production Engineering (22 – 24 May , 2012).
During the Days of the Faculty of Production Engineering the II Conference Manager of XXI century (22.05.2012) and XXI International Scientific Students’ Conference on the "Contemporary Aspects of Production Engineering" (23.05.2012) will take place. Students will give presentations on ongoing research. The second day ends with a traditional bonfire.
For additional information contact the Department (Vadym Shcherbatiuk, Assistant Professor)

Regional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)Press-centre

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