Representatives of land management and geodesy community of Eastern Europe met in Kaunas

May 15, 2019
     The 17th International Scientific Methodological Conference “Baltic Surveying” took place on May 8-10, 2019, in Kaunas (Lithuania). Traditionally, this forum becomes the most noticeable event for land management and geodesy community of Eastern Europe. This year the organizers were the Faculty of Water and Land Management of Vytautas Magnus University and the Institute of Land Use Planning and Geomatics.

     This year’s participants were Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Nigeria and Russia. NUBiP of Ukraine was represented by a delegation of scientists from the Faculty of Land Management: Dean of the Faculty, Taras Yevsyukov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty, Oleksandr Shevchenko, Head of the Department of Land Use Planning, Andriy Martyn, Head of the Education, Research and Production Centre “Natural Resources Protection and Land Relations Reforming”, Lyudmyla Kolos, Associate Professor of the Department of Land Use Planning, Lyudmyla Gunko, graduate student Julia Moroz, and a member of the Board of Employers of the Faculty, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Land Management Specialists of Ukraine, Anatoliy Poltavets.

     The topics discussed at the conference included the actual problems of geodesy, land management, cadastre, land use planning and land protection. The report of the Head of the Department of Land Use Planning of NUBiP of Ukraine, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Andriy Martyn devoted to “Differentiation of the accuracy requirements of cadastral surveys: the value of real estate as a determining factor” aroused a lively discussion. The presentation of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Land Management of NUBiP of Ukraine, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Oleksandr Shevchenko, dealt with the problems of use and preservation of soil fertility, as well as estimation of economic efficiency of soil protection measures. In general, 18 plenary speeches and 17 presentations were delivered by conference participants.

     Within three days, experts in the field of geodesy and land management were able not only to present the results of their research, but also to exchange experiences and communicate with their counterparts.


     The next conference “Baltic Surveying” will be held on May 6-8, 2020 at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Jelgava, Latvia).

Lyudmyla Gunko,
Associate Professor of the Department of Land Use Planning

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