Education and Research Institute of Energetics, Automation and Energy Efficiency cooperates with Faculty of Engineering of Warsaw University of Life Sciences

March 19, 2019
     Since 2010, the Education and Research Institute of Energetics, Automation and Energy Efficiency actively cooperates with the Faculty of Engineering of Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The fields of cooperation include internships for teachers, postgraduates and students, preparing joint scientific articles, double degree master programs, delivering lectures on the latest trends in the industry.

     March 2019 was an important month in the cooperation aspect. Master students of NUBiP of Ukraine Danyil Chernyshov and Maxym Vasylenko started training at SGGW under the double degree master program “Power engineering and automation of biotechnological systems in the agroindustrial complex”. Since the program launch, 11 students have completed their education and obtained double degree diplomas. Moreover, for the first time the course of lectures in “Smart Grid Technologies in Power Engineering” (consisting of three 20-hour courses) was delivered to Polish students by Professor Volodymyr Kozyrskyy. What is more, teachers of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics and Electrotechnologies, Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Andriy Zhyltsov, and Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Science, Serhii Usenko, and teacher of I.I. Martynenko Department of Automation and Robotics Systems, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Natalia Zayets underwent an internship at SGGW.

     Upon completing the internship, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Tomasz Nurek presented certificates to NUBiP employees. Undergoing internships at foreign higher education establishments will allow Ukrainian counterparts to submit documents for the assignment of academic degrees.

      NUBiP master student Vladyslav Krasnoshapka received his master’s diploma in March 2019. Vladyslav graduated in December 2018, but in Poland diplomas are presented 2-3 months after the thesis defence. The diploma itself differs from the Ukrainian version. It is printed in hardcover A4 format, and consists of the student’s photo, the original diploma and 3 duplicates - 2 in Polish and 1 in English. It is pleasant that our students take an active part in the sports competitions in Poland. Vladyslav is the candidate for the master of sports and participated in Polish Dragon Boat Racing.

      Delivering lectures to Polish students allowed to experience working with SGGW attendance system. Each teacher has his/her own level of access to Dean’s Office electronic system. After each class the teacher is required to supply the list of missing students. Dean's Office system calculates the generalized statistical indicators that are seen by the head of the department, the dean's office, and the vice-rector's office for educational work. The system also provides prompt delivery of important information to students through SMS mobile communication. It would be great to have such a system at NUBiP of Ukraine!


     Cooperation continues!

Volodymyr Kozyrskyy,
Head of the Education and Research Institute of
Energetics, Automation and Energy Efficiency 


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