The 7th Congress of Ukrainian Radiobiological Society

1 October 2019, 0:00
15 Heroiv Oborony str., Kyiv, Ukraine

Dedicated to the memory of Academician Dmytro Mykhailovych Grodzynsky




During the plenary sessions of the Congress we will discuss the novel findings and new results in radiobiology, radioecology and nuclear safety:

1. Radiation biochemistry and molecular biology.
2. Low doses radiation exposure effects.
3. Radiation exposure genetic effects
4. Health effects of radiation exposure and their modifications.
5. Radiobiology of groups and populations.
6. Epigenetic radiobiological effects.
7. Risks of biota mutagenesis effects.
8. Radioprotection and modification of radiobiological effects.
9. Current problems of radioecology.
10. Radionuclide contaminated ecosystems remediation.
11. Rationing of radiation impact on biota
12. Rationing of non-radiation electromagnetic impact on biota
13. New methods of radiobiological and radioecological research.
14. Radiobiological and radioecological education.

Congress official languages are English and Ukrainian.


Both abstract and online application submission to participate in the Congress deadline is May 31, 2019.
Second information letter will be sent on July 1, 2019.
Arrival and registration of Congress participants: October 1-2, 2019.
Opening of the Congress: October 2, 2019.

The form of congress materials presentation (plenary, oral, poster session, round-table discussion etc.) will be chosen after receiving the abstracts.

Organizing committee

Conference Chairman:
Nikolaienko S.M. (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine)

Kashparov V.O. (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine)
Gudkov I.M. (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine)

Scientific committee:
Derevyanko L.P. (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine)
Lypska A.I. (Institute for Nuclear Research of NAS of Ukraine)
Talko V.V. (National Scientific Centre for Radiation Medicine of NAMS of Ukraine)
Prister B.I. (Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of NAS of Ukraine)
Romanchuk L.D. (Zhytomyr National Agroecological University)
Gushcha M.I. (Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of NAS Of Ukraine)
Landin V.P. (Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources of NAAS of Ukraine)
Druzhina M.O. (R.E. Kavetskiy Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radioecology of
NAS of Ukraine)

Executive secretary:
Kutsokon N.K. (Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of NAS of Ukraine)
Illienko V.V. (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine)

Program committee

Rashydov N.M. (Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of NAS of Ukraine)

Bazyka D.A. (National Scientific Centre for Radiation Medicine of NAMS of Ukraine)
Kravets O.P. (Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of NAS of Ukraine)

Organising comettee members:
Voitsitsky V.M. (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine of Ukraine)
Gaichenko V.A. (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine)
Gudkov D.I. (Institute of Hydrobiology of NAS of Ukraine)
Dmitriev O.P. (Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering if NAS of Ukraine)
Mikheev O.M. (Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering if NAS of Ukraine)
Kutlahmedov Y.O. (Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of NAS of Ukraine)
Khyzhniak S.V. (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine )
Trishyn V.V. (Institute for Nuclear Research of NAS of Ukraine)
Lazarev M.M. (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine)
Feshchenko V.P. (Zhytomyr National Agroecological University)

Executive secretary:
Litvinov S.V. (Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of NAS of Ukraine)


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