Toxicologists and heads of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection received certificates of certification training April 5, 2019

April 14, 2019

From March 25 to April 5, 2019, heads and specialists of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection and doctors of veterinary medicine - toxicologists (biochemists) were improving qualification in NULES of Ukraine, according to the schedule of qualification improvement for heads and specialists of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, heads and specialists of the government agencies that are belong to the management areas of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection.
The classes were helding on the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with the Institute of Postgraduate Education and the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of products of the agro-industrial complex.

The curriculum for advanced training included the following sections:

  • Prospects of veterinary education and science in Ukraine, as a factor of ensuring the health for nation in a conditions of globalizing world economy.
  • Postgraduate education of doctors of veterinary medicine in Ukraine.Mycotoxicology. Spreading of fungus-producing mycotoxins. Classification of mycotoxicosis Toxicodynamics and biological effects of mycotoxins on the animals` organism. Long-term effects of mycotoxin action.
  • Principles and procedure for the realization control over food products and other objects of sanitary measures. Powers and responsibilities of state inspectors. Legislative requirements of EU, Ukraine and Codex Alimentarius about the safety and quality of food products.
  • Ways of innovative development of agroindustrial complex of Ukraine.
  • Cell technology in veterinary medicine. Practical aspects of transfusiology.
  • Using biochemical analyzers for determination of biochemical indices in bio-specimens.
  • State control and supervision of the quality of veterinary immunobiological agents (VISA) used in Ukraine.
  • The role of state veterinarian inspectors in preventing unauthorized circulation of veterinary drugs in Ukraine.
  • The control system of quality in chemical analytical laboratories according to EU requirements.
  • Theoretical aspects of the HACCP system. Approaches to practical implementation of HACCP. The most common discrepancies during the implementation of the HACCP system.
  • WHO (OIE) is the only list of infectious and invasive diseases. Prevention and control measures of AHS.
  • Planning and organizing the implementation of major antiepizootic measures in Ukraine. State control over their implementation. Prevention and control measures of rabies in Ukraine, CIS countries and in the world.
  • The most dangerous parasitic diseases. Organization of anti-parasitic measures. New methodical of the diagnosis and treatment of invasive animals` diseases.
  • Regulatory legislative ensuring of state control. On the Procedure for the Issuance of Veterinary Documents and Responsibility for Violations in the Veterinary Medicine.

Each of the teachers involved in the certification training required to conducted vocational guidance work. They were acquainted with the benefits of training and admission rules to NUBiP Ukraine. Particular emphasis is placed on specialties 211 "Veterinary Medicine" and 212 "Veterinary Hygiene, Sanitation and Expertise".

Certificates of advanced training were presented by Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Vasyl Danilov and Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Volodymyr Dukhnitsky.

They warmly congratulated students for their graduation and wished high professional achievements and that the acquired knowledge in NULES of Ukraine get them material and moral satisfaction.
The students of professional development thanked the scientific and pedagogical team from NULES for their work and the knowledge that they received. Separately expressed sincere gratitude to the leadership of the National University of Life and Enironmental Sciences of Ukraine for excellent training.

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