Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity invites to take part in the International conference «GLOBAL CHALLENGES FOR AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY» 23-24 May 2019

May 23, 2019
Faculty of Agricultural Management

Faculty of Agricultural Management and Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity invite to take part in the International conference


23-24 May 2019

Lecturers, researchers, post-graduate students, doctoral students, representatives of public authorities and local self-government, banking and financial institutions, enterprises and other organizations are invited to participate in the conference. To participate in the conference it is necessary to send an application to participate at the address of the Organizing Committee before May 17, 2019 (sample is attached), and abstracts of the report.

Working languages of the conference are Ukrainian, English, Polish.

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

The conference proceedings will be published. Each collected work has all the necessary attributes: ISBN, UDC, BBK codes. The distribution of mandatory copies to the Book Chamber and the main scientific libraries of Ukraine is being carried out. In addition, all materials of the conference are posted electronically on the NUBIP of Ukraine website.

Applications for participation in the conference and abstracts of reports should be submitted to the scientific secretary of the conference Dr. Ivan Mischenko in electronic form by e-mail: [email protected]

Detailed information you can download here

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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