Tuhari Abdelkadir from Algeria plans to master psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy of NUBiP of Ukraine

January 13, 2019
     Every year more and more foreigners come to our alma mater to study. They are undergoing complicated socio-cultural adaptation and need psychological support during the educational process. We discussed the issue of intercultural relations and future life prospects with the student of the preparatory department, Tuhari Abdelkadir.
  • Tell us about your homeland and your interests?

     – I am from El Attaf, a town in northern Algeria, located in the province of Aïn Defla. Even at school, I was interested in human behavior, strategies for resolving conflict situations, formation of world perception, attitudes, religious and cultural beliefs. In high school, I majored in psychology and received the bachelor's degree in applied sciences (specialized secondary education). Since then, I dreamed of becoming a qualified psychologist. I was looking for a good European university and Ukrainian universities seemed to be a good fit since Ukrainian diplomas are recognized by any international structure. Among all the options, I most of all liked NUBiP of Ukraine. So I fulfilled the conditions of admission to the university preparatory department and now I am learning Ukrainian here.

  • Do you like Ukraine?

     – Very much. I’ve got a whole new life with lots of opportunities here. I enjoy my student’s life. Ukraine is beautiful. I managed to travel a bit: I have already visited Lviv, Poltava, Chernihiv, but I like Kyiv most of all, especially Holosiivskyy park and the university botanical garden. Ukrainians are friendly, kind and hospitable, but there is a communicative and cultural barrier. I hope future generations will be even more open to communication with foreigners.

  • What are your impressions of the educational process?

     – University teachers are very professional and dedicated to teaching. Frankly speaking, Ukrainian is extremely difficult for me, but I am not giving up.

  • Would you recommend NUBiP of Ukraine to your friends?

     –  Of course! NUBiP of Ukraine is a leading scientific and education establishment that opens the way to a bright professional future!

Associate Professor of the
Department of Psychology,
Larysa Afanasenko

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